Yishai refused fire truck donations from Christian Group

by Gil Shefler and Gil Hoffman, JPost Israeli firefighters could have received a shipment of brand new fire trucks that would have helped quell the fires that raged over the weekend on Mount Carmel, killing 41 people and turning tens of thousands of dunams into an ashen wasteland. Instead, a charity group charged Sunday, Interior…


South American countries recognize PA as a state

by Elad Benari, Israel national news Argentina announced on Monday that it recognizes a Palestinian state, calling Palestine “a free and independent state within its 1967 borders,” The Associated Press reported. According to the report, Argentina said the announcement reflects its frustration at the slow progress of peace talks with Israel. Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner…


US, Israel, and PA don't agree on settlement freeze

by Herb Keinon, JPost The US-lead diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is going back to the drawing board, with a senior US official announcing Tuesday night that following consultation with the sides it was determined a further settlement moratorium would not provide the basis for a framework agreement. The official, in a…


Iran to use domestic uranium for the first time

by Associated Press Iran announced Sunday that it has delivered its first domestically mined raw uranium to a processing facility, claiming it is now self-sufficient over the entire nuclear fuel cycle. The step displays Iran’s determination to master nuclear technology without outside help, including by enriching its own uranium, just a day before world powers…


Why speak peace when peace is not in sight?

by Arnold Soloway, UCI Since 1937, when Great Britain’s Peel Commission vainly proposed a “Two-State Solution” as “a chance for ultimate peace”, Arab-Israel “peace plans” have been advanced in predictably futile succession, among them: » The U.N.’s “Partition Plan of 1947” » John Foster Dulles’ Baghdad Pact of the 1950’s » The U.S. State Department’s…


Obama's Iran failure

by Shoula Romano Horing, YNetnews.com For the last two years President Obama has been obsessing with “engaging” the Muslim world while ignoring the “moderates” in the Islamic countries who have been imploring the US to stop Iran’s development of nuclear weapons. For two years President Obama and his administration have fabricated a mythical argument that…


Haifa Police chief killed by the fire is laid to rest today

by Yaakov Lappin, JPost Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav said “you were always on the front line,” in remarks at Tomer’s funeral in the military cemetery in Haifa on Monday. “It’s unbelievable that I’m standing here, saying farewell,” continued Yahav. “You were assertive and you showed love, living up to your name Ahuva (beloved).” The Israel…


A 63-year search for Mideast peaceBy Michael B. Oren

by Michael B. Oren Imagine a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict: a Jewish state living alongside a Palestinian state in permanent peace, with open borders, and even economic union. Sound like fantasy? It wasn’t, 63 years ago tomorrow, when the U.N. General Assembly voted in favor of Resolution 181, dividing what was then known…


Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar

by: David Horowitz, FrontPageMagazine.com Even as Islamic Hitlerites gather in Iran to deny the first Holocaust of the Jews and to plot the second, former president Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a conspiratorial mafia that intimidates “critics,” controls America’s media…


Presbyterians against Israel

By MARVIN HIER AND ABRAHAM COOPER, Wall Street Journal In many ways, the second half of the 20th century was a high point for Jewish-Christian relations. Today, however, the anti-Israel politics of certain powerful Christian bodies hampers interfaith relations and threatens to breathe new life into medieval doctrine that demonized Jews for hundreds of years.…


Palestinian revisionism is the only obstacle to peace

by Danny Ayalon   The attempt to “refute” the Jewish claim to the Western Wall is merely the latest in a series of efforts to deny the Jewish people’s connection with its homeland. The recent Palestinian Authority report stating that the Western Wall has no religious or historical significance to the Jewish people is sadly yet…


One that calls for a response

Israel’s former Ambassador to the U.S., Yoram Ettinger said: Chanukah’s uniqueness. Chanukah is the only Jewish holiday which commemorates a Land-of-Israel national liberation struggle. … The Maccabees, responding to an ultimatum by the Syrian emperor, Antiochus said: “We have not occupied a foreign land; We have not ruled a foreign land; We have liberated the…
