This week’s prayer points

1: THE ADVANCING STEPS TO ESTABLISH A PALESTINIAN STATE WITHOUT ISRAEL’S INPUT OR APPROVAL Mahmoud Abbas is intending to present his unilateral draft resolution for Palestinian statehood to the UN Security Council as early as tomorrow. This draft resolution calls for the withdrawal (forced if necessary) of Israel from all of Judea and Samaria by…


Will the light of humanity be forever dimmed?

By VICTOR SHARPE— We have arrived at the most vulnerable stage in reconstituted Israel’s modern history. In 1967 those who were her enemies were easily identifiable. Now, those who casually contribute to the trend of her “de-legitimization” come from all walks of life, and many come from the very heartlands of Israel’s list of official…


U.S. Congress condemns Hamas and sends aid to Israel

By  UNITED WITH ISRAEL— The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution last week condemning Hamas’ criminal conduct, including the use of civilians as human shields. The resolution, co-sponsored by Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), also expressed support for the sovereign right of Israel to defend its territory and its…


Why some Jews will never trust evangelical Christians

By ROBERT STEARNS, EAGLES WINGS— Evangelicals, while maintaining their view of Scripture and their faith in Jesus as the Messiah, are largely motivated in standing with Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. As someone who has spent the last 20 years of my life at the intersection of Jewish and Christian communities worldwide, I have…


When Does Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Cross the Line into Anti-Semitism?

By JOHN LOMPERIS, JUICY ECUMENISM— Any government of sinful human beings in our fallen world is always in need of constructive criticism for its imperfections, some of which are much more dramatic than others. So of course, not all criticism of the Israeli government amounts to anti-Semitism. Nor does simply disagreeing with a particular U.S.…


The Language Of Antichrist Is Being Revived And The Book Of Revelation Is Being Fulfilled

BY WALID SHOEBAT— Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not only intend to revive the Ottoman Empire but thisMonday (Dec 8) he put to law to revive the dead Ottoman language and to make the Arabic-alphabet and the Ottoman language compulsory in Turkish education. The move has biblical significance. But before we explain the prophetic…


Is Israel a Fulfillment of Prophecy?

By ISRAEL TODAY— Israel’s increasingly vocal Christian antagonists have been trying to blunt support for the Jewish state by Christian Zionists by teaching that it must not be viewed as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. This despite the wholly unprecedented survival of an exiled people for 2,000 years and the eventual rebirth of their nation,…


Video: Sheikh calls for “slaughter on Temple Mount” video

By BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS— A sheikh called for the “slaughter of Jews” in a spontaneous sermon captured on video on the Temple Mount. In a video released by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Omar Abu Sara was filmed saying that Jews were “the most evil creatures to have walked this earth.” Addressing worshippers gathered…


‘In final 2 years, Obama to seek Israeli-Palestinian peace’

By ISRAEL HAYOM— U.S. President Barack Obama sent a clear and sharp message to Israel on Tuesday: I will not give up on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, even during the final two years of my presidency. U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro issued the message during a speech at Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic…


Ukraine Jews get fast-track aliyah

By JTA— Israel implemented special procedures to speed up the immigration process for people with Jewish origins from Ukraine’s conflict zones. The new procedures were implemented earlier this month and formulated in a new executive directive issued by the headquarters of Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority to its branches, the authority’s spokesperson, Sabine Haddad, told…
