US Supreme Court: No ‘Israel’ allowed on passports of Americans born in Jerusalem

By: YONAH JEREMY BOB, JPOST— In a major blow to a 13-year-old effort to bolster Jerusalem’s status under American law as an undisputed part of Israel, the US Supreme Court on Monday struck down as unconstitutional a Congressional law which authorized placing “Israel” on passports of Jerusalem-born Americans. The 6-3 split ruling was also a…


Israel means never having to say you’re sorry

By RON JAGER— In the recent weeks since the national elections in Israel and the emergence of a right-wing political coalition lead by the Likud, one can notice a distinct change in the international atmosphere whenever Israel is concerned. The past weeks have brought a tsunami of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Semitic actions that have clearly…


South Carolina becomes first US state to take action against anti-Israel boycotts

By: MICHAEL WILNER, JPOST— WASHINGTON – South Carolina’s governor has signed into law a bill to stop efforts to boycott, divest and sanction Israel on Thursday afternoon, in a first for the nation on a statewide level. The bill makes no mention of Israel directly, but prevents public entities from contracting with businesses engaging in…


Column One: The new government’s war on BDS

By: CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government is less than a month old, but it’s already apparent that it is different from its predecessors. And if it continues on its current diplomatic trajectory, it may do something that its six predecessors failed to accomplish. Netanyahu’s new government may improve Israel’s position internationally.…


Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran

By: ELI LAKE, Bloomberg View— Since the beginning of 2014, representatives from Israel and Saudi Arabia have had five secret meetings to discuss a common foe, Iran. On Thursday, the two countries came out of the closet by revealing this covert diplomacy at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. Among those who follow the…


Fight Against ISIS Could Take ‘A Generation or More’

By Arutz Sheva Staff, Israel National News— The Islamic State group is a “global threat” that will take a generation or more to defeat, Washington’s envoy for the US-led coalition fighting the jihadists said Wednesday. Despite “strategic momentum” against ISIS – or Daesh as he called it – General John Allen conceded, in a keynote speech…


Pope Francis and the ‘Angel of Peace’ Scandal

By: TSVI SADAN, Israel Today— A scandal recently erupted after media reports such as that by BBC’s David Willey quoted Pope Francis as telling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas during their meeting on May 16: “You are an angel of peace.” The Vatican was subsequently forced to issue a clarification that ultimately did little to alleviate…


Tzipi Hotovely: Continuing a Legacy from the Prophets of Israel

By: RON TOROSSAIN, Breaking Israel News— How heartwarming it is to see Israel’s new deputy foreign minister, the nations’ most senior diplomat, Tzipi Hotovely, speaking clarity and truth to power. Israel’s claim to the land is clear –and having a strong, Zionist woman who believes in the historical bond between the people and the Land…



By: Sara Abramowicz, Breaking Christian News— “Anyone who thinks that the United States is abandoning its support of Israel—obviously they weren’t in Central Park today, because they would have found out that there is strong, passionate sentiment to stand with Israel.” –Mike Huckabee (New York, NY)—New York City hosted the 51st annual Celebrate Israel Parade…
