Spirit-Empowered Leaders Gather for What Could Be Largest Christian Pentecost Celebration in Israel’s Modern History

By:  LEONARDO BLAIR, Christian Post— JERUSALEM — At the 11,600-seater Jerusalem Pais Arena in Israel Monday morning, workers here were busy trying to get the brand new 40,000-square-meter facility ready for what could be the largest Christian Pentecost Sunday celebration in the Jewish nation’s modern history. The workers, wary of publicly discussing the event at…


Who is Jimmy Carter but a thorn in Israel’s side?

By: EARL COX, JPOST— Former US president Jimmy Carter was recently scheduled to visit Israel, Gaza and the West Bank for the purpose of mediating the stalled Palestinian/Israel two-state negotiations. People are asking sincere questions: “Why would a former American president insert himself between Israel and the Palestinians, especially when he appears to be favoring…


More Thoughts About ” The Spread” of Messianic Judaism

By: SUSAN WARNER, Times of Israel— Recently, Diane Bederman, a frequent blogger on the Times of Israel, posted an article entitled “The Spread of Messianics in the Diaspora and Israel.” The article appeared to be much ado about nothing and more about accusatory innuendo toward Messianic leaders in Jerusalem. The innuendo is mixed with demonization…


Netanyahu: Jerusalem has and always will only be the capital of the Jewish people

By: HERB KEINON, JPOST— Jerusalem historically has been the only capital of the Jewish people, and so it will remain, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Sunday at the government’s official Jerusalem Day ceremony at Ammunition Hill. “We need to tell the truth, without fear,” Netanyahu said. “This is where we began our path as a nation,…


Column one: Israel’s peace fantasists in action

  By: CAROLINE B. GLICK, JPOST— The Saudis are in play, casting about for partners.out for partners. In a clear vote of no-confidence in US President Barack Obama’s leadership, Saudi King Salman led several Arab leaders in blowing off Obama’s Camp David summit this week. The summit was meant to compensate the Sunni Arabs for…


New Taglit type program launches for Christian college students

By:  ANAV SILVERMAN, JPOST — A new program has been launched for Christian student leaders, modeled after Taglit-Birthright Israel trips for young American Jews. Covenant Journey, a program of trips to Israel for Christian student leaders at colleges and universities, was unveiled on Friday, May 8, at the Israeli Embassy in Washington’s Annual Christian Solidarity Event.…


Spot Report: “What happens if Iran rejects a good deal?”

Think on this: “I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal …Persia,(Iran) Cush and Put…Gomer and Beth Togarmah”…Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end… but those who are wise will understand.” (Ezekiel 38:3,5; Daniel 12:9-10) Pray on this: Gracious Father,…



By: RABBI JACOB EMDENS, Harvey Falk Chapter 1 of “Jesus The Pharisee a New Look a The Jewishness of Jesus”— Rabbi Emden(1697–1776) was one of the leading Torah authorities of the past several centuries. Historians of the rabbinate have often compared. him to Maimonides, both having written on all branches of Jewish knowledge, and both having…


Denying Jews the Right to Define Judaism is Anti-Semitism

By: EVELYN GORDON, Commentary Magazine— In honor of this week’s 5th Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, I’d like to propose a new definition of the term: Anti-Semitism is when Jews, alone of all the world’s religions, are denied the right to decide for themselves what their religion’s core tenets actually are. Nobody would dream of…


How Orthodox Money Is Reshaping Republican Politics

By:NATHAN GUTTMAN, Forward— Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have long appreciated the importance of tapping into the pool of Jewish donors, who are among the most generous political contributors in the nation. But until recently, Orthodox Jews have been an elusive target. Like their Democratic counterparts, Republican candidates chose to go after more secular —…


Rubio: Palestinian statehood not currently possible

By: JTA, Times of Israel— US Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, said he would not pursue a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict right now. “I don’t think the conditions exist for that today,” Rubio said Wednesday during a question-and-answer session hosted by PBS’s Charlie Rose at…


Survey Shows Quarter of US Jews Leaving Their Faith

By: ARI SOFFER, Israel National News— A new survey released Tuesday reveals some interesting data about American Jews. The Pew Research Religious Landscape Survey revealed both positive and negative findings concerning the future of United States Jewry, including the fact that – in spite of relatively low birthrates and growing intermarriage – the community’s relative…


Ex-CIA head sees ‘strategic’ threat for Israel in boycott campaign

By: ELHANAN MILLER, Times of Israel— NEW YORK — Israel is facing a “strategic threat” in the form of the international boycott, divestment and sanction campaign, former CIA chief David Petraeus said on Monday. Petraeus said that Israel was currently experiencing “the best of times and the most worrisome of times.” He was speaking during…


The Vatican Cannot Protect Christians by Recognizing Palestine

By: ABRAHAM MILLER, Observer— When it comes to Israel, the Vatican sometimes cannot seem to get it right. And the announcement on Wednesday that it had concluded a treaty to recognize Palestinian statehood is yet another indication that the Vatican might want to follow Jesus’ admonition to give unto God what is his, and leave…
