What Bible is the Vatican reading?

by Michael Freund, JPost This past Saturday, a synod of bishops in Rome tossed the theological equivalent of a hand grenade, threatening to blow up decades of efforts to improve Catholic- Jewish relations. In a press conference at the Vatican, Monsignor Cyril Salim Bustros, a Greek Melkite archbishop from Boston and president of the Church’s…


U.S. proposes Israel lease land from Palestinians

by Roee Nahmias, Ynetnews.com Israel is holding secret negotiations with the American administration in an effort to reach understandings vis-à-vis the establishment of a Palestinian state and its demarcation, the London-based newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Friday. Palestinian sources confirmed that both sides were discussing the option that Israel would lease land in east Jerusalem and…


Can the United Nations create a Palestinian State?

by Jackson Diehl, Washington Post On November 15, 1988, Yasser Arafat proudly read a declaration by his Palestinian Liberation Organization unilaterally proclaiming “the establishment of the State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital Jerusalem.” Shortly afterward the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to support the declaration; within months 93 governments had…


New Book: Islamic Tsunami

Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the age of Obama by David Rubin Click here to order on Amazon.com (Hardcover or Kindle editon) Upon taking office, President Barack Obama pledged to change the dynamics of America s adversarial relationship with the Islamic world. Just seven years earlier, the terrorist attacks on September 11 had shattered the American…


Egyptian Christians in danger

by Israel Today Egypt has parliamentary elections coming up next month and an important presidential election next year. As with similar regimes throughout history, the current rulers of Egypt need a scapegoat to take the voters’ attention off its disastrous social and economic policies (after all, rigging elections is so tedious). Unfortunately for Egypt’s 10…


The pope must speak up

by JPost In the name of radical Islamic-inspired nationalism, Mideast Christians of all denominations, including Catholics, have faced devastating persecution for their religious convictions. From the Gaza Strip and Egypt to Iraq to Turkey, Christians have been murdered, had their churches burned to the ground and their holy books destroyed, and have been demoted to…


What Bible is the Vatican reading?

by Michael Freund, JPost This past Saturday, a synod of bishops in Rome tossed the theological equivalent of a hand grenade, threatening to blow up decades of efforts to improve Catholic- Jewish relations. In a press conference at the Vatican, Monsignor Cyril Salim Bustros, a Greek Melkite archbishop from Boston and president of the Church’s…


West tries to bring Hamas into the peace process

by Khaled Abu Tomeh, JPost The Palestinian Authority said on Wednesday that it was worried about “attempts” by the US and EU to persuade Hamas to join the Middle East peace process. The PA’s announcement came as Fatah and Hamas prepare to resume “reconciliation” talks next week. In another development, a PA official said that…


A Christian Response to Synod Declaration on the Chosen People

by Pastor Ken Garrison (ret.)   Recently a Catholic synod led by Archbishop Cyril Salim Bustros declared that the promise made by G-d to Abraham and his descendants to give them the land of Israel was abolished by Jesus.  Specifically, Archbishop Bustros declared that “For Christians, one can no longer talk of the land promised…


Catholic church: Christ nullified God’s promise to the Jews

by Ryan Jones, Israel Today A Catholic synod called at the Vatican to address the rising persecution of Christian in the Middle East wrapped up on Saturday with a joint statement that focused a lot of attention on demanding Israel end its “occupation” of Arab lands. The gathering was meant to address the various acts…


Artificial 'obstacle' to Mideast peace

by Nicole Brackman and Asaf Romirowsky, Philadelphia Daily News About a week ago, the freeze on construction in Israeli towns in the West Bank expired. The hiatus had been reluctantly enacted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier in the year under pressure from President Obama. Obama has been trying to persuade Netanyahu to renew the…
