Weapons used in hit on nuclear program chief were made in Israel, Iranian TV says

By Shahar Klaiman and Reuters, Israel Hayom— Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Amir Hatami pledged Monday that the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who headed Iran’s military nuclear program, “will not stop the progress of Iran’s nuclear program but will only accelerate it.” Speaking at Fakhrizadeh’s funeral, Hatami warned that Tehran would not leave the killing unavenged.…


The Killing of a Nuclear Scientist May Save Countless Lives

By Richard Kemp, Gatestone Institute— With unfailing predictability, EU external affairs spokesman Peter Sano as well as other European Iran-appeasers rushed to condemn the targeted killing on November 27 of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. In doing so they exhibited shocking disregard for the death, destruction and suffering likely to be inflicted by the totalitarian…


Biden Should Heed the Concern of Israel and Arab Nations Regarding Iran

By Jonathan Schanzer, The Dispatch— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu visited Saudi Arabia last week to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS). The summit was historic, and could yield a long-sought normalization deal between the only Jewish state and the cradle of Islam. But the meeting reportedly did not focus on bilateral…


Red Alert: Thankful For How You Can Help!

Thanksgiving 2020 is our time to be thankful for how we can help support Israel and the Jewish people.  Our new book, The Casualty of Contempt, identifies the increase in antisemitism among the age group of 18-30, particularly within the Christian Community. Read esteemed authors’ assessments and analysis as well as solutions to combat antisemitism…


A Watershed Moment for the Middle East

By Shoshana Bryen, inSIGHT— Israel’s new agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan, new agreements for airline overflights of countries with which Israel has no new peace or economic pacts, a new aviation agreement with Jordan and general Saudi and Egyptian approval have brought what many are calling a “watershed moment.” That “watershed”…


Articles At a Diplomatic Crossroad, it is Time for Israel to Act

By Caroline Glick, JPost— Three diplomatic events transpired this week. Together they describe the crossroads before which Israel now stands following the US presidential elections. First, on Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority announced it is renewing its security coordination with the IDF after suspending it six months ago. The PA also expressed willingness to accept tax…


Iran, the Palestinians, and the Future of U.S. Middle East Policy

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBN Israel— Most Americans are unaware that the nation of Iran has the United States in its crosshairs. They’re oblivious to the chilling truth that this trigger-happy Middle Eastern country considers us the “Great Satan” and wishes us harm. Israel, however, is all too aware of this ongoing threat. They are…


Have France, Spain and Ireland agreed to fund Palestinian terror organizations?

By Maurice Hirsch, Palestinian Media Watch— In August 2019, Palestinian terrorists detonated a bomb at a water spring, murdering 17-year-old Rina Schnerb and seriously injuring her father and brother. The investigation of the attack led to the arrest of dozens of terrorists from the internationally designated terror organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of…


Make the Palestinian Issue Central Again?

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative” According to a November 12, 2020 OpEd by Nabil Amr, a confidant of Mahmoud Abbas, published by the leading Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat : “Ballots with Biden’s name would have filled the boxes if placed in Ramallah…. bets are that Biden’s victory resume ties with…


Palestinians Boast of Helping Biden Defeat Trump

By Israel Today— The Palestinians have for years expressed frustration and even jealousy over Israel enjoying the kind of political support from Christians abroad that can put a president in the White House. Now it seems the Palestinians and their apologists might’ve gotten a little revenge. “I can confirm that the Palestinian community not only…


The Struggle for Palestine

By Asaf Romirowsky, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies— In his 1974 book Palestinians and Israel, the late Yehoshafat Harkabi wrote that following the Six-Day War, The collision with the Palestinians is presented as the essence of the conflict, for this is allegedly a struggle for national liberation. Arabs explain, especially to foreigners, that the antagonism…


The United Nations Attempt to Delete Israel’s Ancient History

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBNISRAEL— Imagine waking up one morning to news that the Eiffel Tower is no longer considered French. That the pyramids are not Egyptian. And that the Statue of Liberty is not a beloved symbol of the United States. Your reaction would be astonishment. Yet, here’s a fact that is barely a…


Former Trump advisor: Israel may act against Iran before Biden admin.

By Cody Levine, JPost— Former National Security Advisor Gen. H.R. McMaster for the Trump administration said in an interview with Fox News Thursday that President-elect Joe Biden should not rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal upon taking office in on January 20. McMaster said to Fox host Bret Baier that then-Secretary of State John Kerry…
