Palestinian Character confirms King Solomon’s words

By Earl Cox, Israel Always— The Jews are a blessed people. In the land of Moab, Moses presented the terms of God’s covenant. In exchange for obeying him and his Word, Israel had the opportunity to choose life and blessing, not death and curses for themselves, the foreigners among them, and their future descendants. Since…


UN secretary-general reaffirms ancient Jewish ties to Jerusalem

By JTA– UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated his recognition of ancient Jewish ties to Jerusalem during a meeting with World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder. A statement Wednesday by the WJC said Lauder and Guterres met earlier in the week in New York, and that Guterres repeated comments he had made to Israeli radio in…


The Newest Bigotry: Supporter of Israel Must Have Travel Ban ‘Bias’

By Alan Dershowitz, JPOST— A recent panel discussion regarding the Trump travel ban was infected by the bigotry of one of the participants. The host, Don Lemon, called on former prosecutor John Flannery to express his views on the decision of a federal judge to stay the order. This was Flannery’s response: “Here’s Trump saying…


Jewish groups offer mixed responses to Friedman’s confirmation as Israel envoy

By JTA— Jewish groups offered varied reactions, including disappointment, tepid congratulations and enthusiasm, to the confirmation of David Friedman as US ambassador to Israel. On Thursday the US Senate confirmed Friedman, a longtime lawyer of President Donald Trump who outraged some Jewish groups with his broadsides against liberal Jews, in a 52-46 vote that hewed…


Report: US, Russia agree to help Israel ‘expel’ Iran from Syria

By Jerusalem Post— The United States, Russia and Israel have reportedly reached a consensus on the need to restrict and eventually expel pro-Iranian forces from gaining influence in Syria, the Kuwati daily newspaper Al-Rai reported Saturday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Arab outlet, has reached an understanding with Washington and Moscow that pro-Iranian…


Russia Advises Travelers: Don’t Criticize Israelis, Don’t Use Yiddish and Arabic Swear Words

By Liza Rozovsky, Haaretz— Being friendly and considerate to locals when traveling is always good advice, but the Russian Foreign Ministry seems to think much more specific instructions are needed for its citizens traveling the globe to “avoid undesirable incidents.” Advice such as not to overindulge on alcohol is one thing, but the ministry’s consular…


Video: Canadian Journalist Faith Goldy goes to find the truth in Israel

Canadian Journalist Faith Goldy went this month on a myth-busting trip to Israel. She recorded over two dozen videos about hot topics which are misreprsented in the liberal media: Israel’s security fence, life in Gaza, dwindling Christian population in the West Bank, etc. Here is an example and there are plenty more: MORE:


Sanhedrin Calls on Israel’s Greatest Enemy to Follow Tradition and Build Third Temple

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, BIN— The nascent Sanhedrin has turned a dispute between the Israeli Prime Minister and the Iranian Foreign Minister into an opportunity to invite Israel’s greatest enemy to help build the Third Temple. This offer is not nearly as preposterous as some may think, and has an undeniable precedent the Iranian Minister…


Senate approves David Friedman as Israel ambassador

By Michael Wilner, Jerusalem Post— David Friedman, a longtime friend and bankruptcy lawyer of US President Donald Trump, was approved by the Senate on Thursday to serve as ambassador to Israel. The vote saw an unprecedented partisan split over an Israel envoy: Only two Democrats, Senators Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Joe Manchin of…


World Shrugs as Hizballah Prepares Massive Civilian Deaths

By Noah Beck, BIN— Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently warned Israel that his Iran-backed terror group could attack targets producing mass Israeli casualties, including a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa, and a nuclear reactor in Dimona. Also last month, Tower Magazine reported that, since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Iran provided Hizballah…


World shrugs as Hizballah prepares massive civilian deaths

By Noah Beck March 23, 2017 , 7:00 am 1 1 0 1 Email 11 Share Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently warned Israel that his Iran-backed terror group could attack targets producing mass Israeli casualties, including a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa, and a nuclear reactor in Dimona. Also last month, Tower Magazine reported…
