Palestinians gear up to sue the UK – over 1917 Balfour Declaration

By Times of Israel Staff— The Palestinian Authority is preparing a lawsuit against the British government over the issuing of the 1917 Balfour Declaration that paved the way for the creation of the State of Israel. The PA’s Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki told Arab League leaders gathered in Mauritania Monday that London is responsible for…


Failed coup in Turkey an end times marker?

By— The failed coup in Turkey doesn’t just represent a challenge to American policymakers. It’s nothing less than a milestone in geopolitics. And according to one of the world’s leading experts in Middle Eastern politics and biblical prophecy, it could be a marker for the end times. That’s the analysis of Joel Richardson, the…


Steve King: Trump lacks ‘long-term,’ ‘sustainable’ Israel policy

By Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel— CLEVELAND — Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa has a tendency to ignite controversy. He once advocated building a wall along the US-Mexico border with an electrical wire, saying it would “be a discouragement” for illegal immigrants to cross over, and added, “We do that with livestock all the time.”…


Top Trump advisor to ‘Post’: Settlement annexation legitimate if PA continues to avoid real peace

By Danielle Ziri, JPOST— CLEVELAND – Israeli annexation of settlements in the West Bank could be viewed by a Trump administration as a legitimate way for Israel to move forward if the Palestinians continue to avoid a real and genuine peace deal, David Friedman, a senior advisor to Donald Trump, told The Jerusalem Post on…


Largest French aliya flight of summer lands in Israel

By TAMARA ZIEVE, JPOST— Netanyahu to olim: This journey is not just of personal importance, but of national importance. The largest French aliya flight so far this summer landed Wednesday at Ben-Gurion Airport, where the newcomers were greeted with calls of “bienvenue en Israel” at a festive reception in their honor. Some 200 French Jews…


Pence: ‘World must know US stands with Israel’

By Herb Keinon, JPOST— Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump – who said in February he wanted to be a “neutral guy” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – selected as his running mate a man who told The Jerusalem Post that the US should not be an “honest broker” in the Mideast, but rather let the…


Globalists refuse to name the enemy

By Victor Sharpe, Renew America— ISIS is merely one of the many Islamic terrorist organizations which have declared war on Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and every faith and non-faith in the world that is non-Muslim. ISIS is simply the flavor of the week. It exists in infamy along with Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezb’allah, the…
