Paying terrorist and teaching children to hate is not a path to peace

By Earl Cox, Israel Always— When President Donald Trump met Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House, Trump requested that Abbas halt the PA’s overt incitement to violence and terrorism against Israel, and its $137.8 million in annual payouts to jailed terrorists and suicide bombers’ families. Abbas insisted, “We are raising our youth,…


Mike Huckabee to Trump: Ignore Detractors and Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

By Aaron Klein, Breitbart Speaking to Breitbart News during a trip to Israel, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee hailed President Donald Trump’s historic trip to Israel and urged the president to fulfil his campaign promise to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem despite pressure against such a move. “I think this is…


Trump Israel Trip: Two-State Solution Conspicuously Absent

By Adam Abrams, Christian Post— During his meeting with Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas Tuesday and in speeches throughout the day, President Donald Trump notably omitted any mention of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump rebuked Palestinian leaders in a joint press conference with Abbas in Bethlehem, saying, “Peace can never take…


Gazans tie up Trump effigy in armed demonstration

By YASSER OKBI/ MAARIV HASHAVUA, JPost— Thousands of supporters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Gaza protested US President Donald Trump’s visit to Bethlehem on Tuesday, and his statements describing Hamas as a terrorist organization. During the protest, masked men pointed machine guns at an effigy of President Trump, while…


Trump’s Visit to Western Wall Affirms That Land of Israel Is God-Given

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— In an unprecedented and historic gesture on Monday, US President Donald Trump became the first sitting American president ever to visit the Western Wall, the last remaining remnant of the Jewish Holy Temple destroyed 2,000 years ago and one of the holiest sites in Israel. The visit deeply…


Trump: ‘I stand in awe of the Jewish people’

By Arutz 7— President Donald Trump spoke at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem Tuesday afternoon, shortly after having spoken at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum. In his address at the Israel Museum, President Trump described his visit to the Israeli capital as “a privilege”, referencing…


Palestinians Disappointed, Upset by Trump’s Silence on Two States in Abbas Meeting

By Valerie Locke, Breaking Israel News— Perhaps the most significant words in President Donald Trump’s joint statement with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday were the ones he didn’t say: two-state solution. Trump met with Abbas for the second time this month in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, outside Jerusalem, while on a diplomatic…


Trump makes history as first U.S. President to visit Western Wall

By Marissa Newman, Times of Israel— Fifty years after Israel captured the Western Wall, US President Donald Trump on Monday became the first sitting American leader to visit the holy site, in a historic visit that saw him accompanied by his Jewish relatives in Jerusalem’s ancient Old City. Entering the Old City’s warren of alleyways…


What has changed that Israel went from ecstasy over Trump to near mourning?

By Yaakov Katz, JPost— On November 9, the day after the presidential election in the United States, Education Minister Naftali Bennett released a statement congratulating Donald Trump on his victory. “The era of a Palestinian state is over,” Bennett glowed at the time. “Trump’s victory is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion…


Pro-Israel US right starting to feel unease with Trump

By Ron Kampeas, Times of Israel— The Zionist Organization of America launched two broadsides against a Trump administration it has ardently defended, signaling a growing unease on the pro-Israel right with the president’s Israel policies. The ZOA, the flagship for the conservative pro-Israel community, slammed President Donald Trump for retreating from a campaign pledge to move…
