US Congress halts aid to Lebanese army

by Israel Today The US Congress has put an indefinite hold on $100 million in military assistance to Lebanon after what congressional leaders termed an “outrageous incident” when Lebanese forces opened fire on Israeli troops conducting routine border maintenance last week. An Israeli commander was killed and one of his deputies was seriously wounded by…


Sukkot Apple Crisp

*Sukkot is connected to the “Feast of the Ingathering.”  This agricultural festival was connected to the time of year when farmers in ancient Israel gathered into the storehouses all of their crops from the field.  Since we are also celebrating the harvest during Sukkot it is tradtional to eat lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Ingredients 3 pounds granny smith…


Saudi Columnist: 'There Is No Islam without Jihad'

Anas Zahed, a columnist for the Saudi government daily Al-Madina, criticized Arab and Muslim intellectuals who limit the term jihad to a personal, spiritual struggle and reject its interpretation as waging war against occupation, which he said is its principle meaning.   Following are excerpts:   “Islam without jihad is the product of colonialism and…


All-Women Ship Heads for Gaza and Waits for Clash with IDF

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz-7 A “women-only” ship, complete with a nun and a heavily pregnant mother, has cleared political and technical obstacles and is set to sail for Gaza, presenting Israel with a new challenge. The ship is supposed to leave Tripoli by Sunday night, its co-coordinator, Hizbullah-backer Samar al-Hajj, told the London Guardian.…


Of Trees and Tribunals: Lebanon's Growing Headache

by Matthew RJ Brodsky, American Thinker   The recent border skirmish between Lebanon and Israel in which a senior Israeli officer, two Lebanese soldiers, and a journalist from the pro-Hezb’allah al-Akhbar newspaper were killed is the most significant clash between the two countries since the 2006 summer war. While at first glance this episode may…


Lebanese parliament member- 'Iran has hijacked my country'

by Worldnetdaily Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah, have taken Lebanon hostage, using the country for political and military gain, charged Samy Gemayel, a Lebanese parliament member. “If Iran wants to escalate the situation in the region it will escalate in our country using Hezbollah’s weapons, using Hezbollah’s power in the region,” said Gemayel, speaking in…
