Is Obama indirectly assisting Islamists to destroy America?

By EARL COX, ISRAEL ALWAYS— It’s not just a matter of interpretation. It’s a matter of understanding the game, the players and the field. Headlines have accused President Obama of making misleading statements about the framework for the nuclear deal with Iran. Even the Ayatollah Khamenei weighed in on White House distortions. Seems that by…


Natan Sharansky speaks about the balancing act with European Jewry – protecting the ones who choose to stay, and empowering those who choose to leave

By NOA AMOUYAL, JPOST— One doesn’t have to be very vigilant to realize European Jews are in crisis mode. The tragic May attack at the Jewish Museum in Belgium where four people died; the grisly shooting at the Hyper Cacher market in France in January that claimed an additional four lives; and repeated incidents of…


Israel’s Netanyahu Likens Iran To Nazis

By ASSOCIATED PRESS— As Israel marked its Holocaust memorial day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared Iran to the Nazis on Wednesday and warned the Islamic Republic must be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons. Netanyahu linked the Nazi genocide of 6 million Jews in World War II to Iran’s contested nuclear program and some of the…


Study: Global anti-Semitic attacks increased 40 percent in 2014

By BREITBART— Researchers at Tel Aviv University have found that documented incidents of anti-Semitic attacks increased by almost 40 percent from 2013 to 2014. The research found that at least 766 anti-Semitic attacks occurred in 2014, compared with 554 incidents in 2013. The authors of the report explained that the anti-Semitic acts were “perpetrated with…


Messianic Initiative helps bring Holocaust healing

By DAVID LAZARUS, ISRAEL TODAY-— “When I stood before the actual baby clothing, little dresses and tiny shoes that had been stripped off the infants being thrown into the gas chambers, I just couldn’t take it,” said Tehilah, one of the young Jewish girls who came to Auschwitz with a Messianic initiative called Yad B’yad, which…
