The baseless hatred of the EU towards Israel

By MELANIE PHILLIPS— There is consternation in Israel over the EU’s malicious decision to boycott individuals or institutions situated over the ‘Green Line’ between Israel and the disputed territories. This would presumably include boycotting, for example, the Hebrew University which is just over that line or, even more grotesquely, Jewish residents in Jerusalem’s Old City…


Rouhani laughs off Israeli nuclear warnings

By ASHER ZEIGER, TIMES OF ISRAEL— Iranian president-elect Hasan Rouhani on Wednesday laughed off recent statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he pledged to do whatever was necessary to thwart Iran’s nuclear program. On Sunday, Netanyahu told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that “if think that Israel will let them do it, they’re…


PM: 'We won't accept foreign dictates over our borders'

By ISRAEL HAYOM— “We will not accept any foreign dictate over our borders,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clarified on Tuesday after a European Union directive limiting financial cooperation between the EU and Jewish bodies in the settlements was revealed. On Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry and Netanyahu himself were busy urging EU officials to defer implementing…


Stand up to Islam or flee to the Hills

By EARL COX, JPOST— Every year the Israeli people celebrate the Passover Holiday, remembering the “Exodus” of their forefathers from 400 years of bondage in Egypt. Today there is another “Exodus” taking place that needs greater attention from the world. It is the massive departures of Christians from Muslim controlled lands in the Middle East.…


Mainline American Christians against Israel

By Dr. MANFRED GERSTENFELD, ARUTZ7— Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein of the Wiesenthal Center: “They claim to support the underdog against ‘powerful and evil Israel.’” The leadership of most American ‘mainline’ Protestant churches is top-heavy with anti-Israel agitation, especially among those on mission committees. By now, a substantial number of their members have been…


Oldest ever artifact unearthed in Jerusalem

By GIL RONEN, ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS— Working near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar has unearthed the earliest alphabetical written text ever uncovered in the city. The inscription is engraved on a large pithos, a neckless ceramic jar found with six others at the Ophel excavation site. According…
