Jewish Home MK calls for a Third Temple in Jerusalem

By ILAN BEN ZION, THE TIMES OF ISRAEL — MK Zevulun Orlev of the Jewish Home party has called for massive reforms, including new Basic Laws, in order to establish a Third Temple in Jerusalem. In an article (PDF) published in advance of the fast of Tisha B’Av in the weekly Hebrew journal Olam Katan, entitled “Internal and Legislative Reform,” Orlev wrote…


Romney and the Palestinian culture of destruction

BY ROBERT SPENCER, FRONTPAGEMAG— Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is under attack for speaking an important truth about the Arab-Israeli conflict. At a fundraiser in Jerusalem on Monday, Romney made the obvious, even banal, point about the economic disparity between nations. Speaking of Israel and the Palestinian-run West Bank, Romney said, “Culture makes all the…


White House rejects Romney naming Israel's capital

BY TZVI BEN GEDALYAHU, ARUTZ 7— The White House criticized Mitt Romney on Monday for adopting a policy on Jerusalem that is different from previous administrations. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee declared in Jerusalem that the city is the capital of Israel, while the Obama administration and predecessors have refused to do so because it…


Romney: Jerusalem Capital of Israel!

BY BEN SHAPIRO, BREITBART— Today, Mitt Romney drew a clear contrast between himself and the Obama administration on the State of Israel. Standing before a backdrop of Jerusalem’s Old City on Judaism’s Ninth of Av – the day designated for mourning the destruction of the First and Second Temples – Romney didn’t flinch from embracing…


Election day will not be 'Groundhog Day'

BY RON JAGER— As Republican Party presidential candidate Mitt Romney begins his visit here in Israel, the Obama campaign managers have nothing new to share with the American public or with the Israeli public.  In repeating the same discredited allegations and accusations against Mitt Romney for the past months, the Obama campaign hopes to distract…


Archeology again appears to back up biblical account

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli archeologists digging at the site of an ancient Canaanite capital in the Galilee region believe they have found further evidence that the biblical account of Israel’s presence in the land is accurate. Tel Hazor is one of the most prominent archeological sites in the country today, and with good…


The Children are ready

A video produced by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, has apparently turned the Arab world upside down, sparking claims of “insults” to Egypt’s new president and prompting the Temple Institute to clarify its motivations for creating the 90-second film.   The Temple Institute is an educational, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the Biblical commandment to build…


No moment of silence for Israel at the Olympics

BY ZACHARY FISHER, INCONTEXT— The 2012 Summer Olympics begin this weekend in London, and over 30 athletes will compete from Israel. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the talented athletes, international attention is caught up in the controversy surrounding the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) rejection of a moment of silence at the Opening Ceremony in London.…


Hanegraaf and Burge attack Christian support of Israel

BY MATTHEW HAMILTON, INST. of RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY— On July 12th, president of the Christian Research Institute Hank Hanegraaff interviewed Gary Burge, theology professor at Wheaton College, president of Evangelicals for the Middle East, and author of Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology. The subject of the interview was…


Hanegraaf and Burge attack Christian support of Israel

BY MATTHEW HAMILTON, INST. of RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY— On July 12th, president of the Christian Research Institute Hank Hanegraaff interviewed Gary Burge, theology professor at Wheaton College, president of Evangelicals for the Middle East, and author of Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology. The subject of the interview was…


Romney slams Obama for 'lecturing Israel's leaders'

BY JPOST— Leading into his major trip to the UK, Israel and Poland to highlight his foreign policy competence and positions, US Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Tuesday lashed out at US President Barack Obama for “lecturing Israel’s leaders.” “President Obama is fond of lecturing Israel’s leaders,” Romney said. “The people of Israel deserve…
