Top Trump advisor to ‘Post’: Settlement annexation legitimate if PA continues to avoid real peace

By Danielle Ziri, JPOST— CLEVELAND – Israeli annexation of settlements in the West Bank could be viewed by a Trump administration as a legitimate way for Israel to move forward if the Palestinians continue to avoid a real and genuine peace deal, David Friedman, a senior advisor to Donald Trump, told The Jerusalem Post on…


Largest French aliya flight of summer lands in Israel

By TAMARA ZIEVE, JPOST— Netanyahu to olim: This journey is not just of personal importance, but of national importance. The largest French aliya flight so far this summer landed Wednesday at Ben-Gurion Airport, where the newcomers were greeted with calls of “bienvenue en Israel” at a festive reception in their honor. Some 200 French Jews…


Pence: ‘World must know US stands with Israel’

By Herb Keinon, JPOST— Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump – who said in February he wanted to be a “neutral guy” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – selected as his running mate a man who told The Jerusalem Post that the US should not be an “honest broker” in the Mideast, but rather let the…


Globalists refuse to name the enemy

By Victor Sharpe, Renew America— ISIS is merely one of the many Islamic terrorist organizations which have declared war on Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and every faith and non-faith in the world that is non-Muslim. ISIS is simply the flavor of the week. It exists in infamy along with Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezb’allah, the…


Spot Report: “Why I’m a happy Hoosier”

Think on this: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Therefore. “…pray for kings and those in authority.” (Romans 13:1; I Timothy 2:1-2) Pray like this: Holy Father, be pleased to give us leaders…


Israel Passes Law to Protect Christians in IDF

By David Lazarus, Israel Today-— The Knesset passed a bill this week designed to protect Arab Christians who enlist in the Israeli army. The law, which includes an extended prison sentence for anyone who tries to dissuade a Christian Arab from serving in the IDF, became necessary in the face of stiff opposition and violent attacks…


Israel to EU: Voting to recognize Temple Mount as solely Muslim site akin to ignoring Jesus

By TOVAH LAZAROFF, JPOST— Israel warned the European Union on Thursday night that supporting a UNESCO resolution which views the Temple Mount as a solely Muslim site is akin to ignoring Europe’s Christian roots. “If the Europeans have a hand in a UNESCO decision that rejects or does not deal with the Jewish people’s relationship…


Messianic Organization Awarded in Israeli Knesset

By David Lazarus, Israel Today— Be’ad Chaim, a Messianic pro-life and women’s health organization has received an award from the Israeli government for their “significant contribution to the protection of mothers and children.” What began as a small Messianic prayer group, has blossomed into a nationally recognized women’s health organization. It began back in the 1980’s,…
