Israel Defense Ministry blasts Obama remark about Iran deal

By World Israel News— The Israel Defense Ministry released a strong statement in direct response to President Obama’s contention that Israel now acknowledges the benefits of the nuclear deal with Iran, comparing the deal to the failed Munich pact with the Nazis prior to World War II. “The Israeli defense establishment believes that agreements have…


Goodbye, God Gap: Trump and Clinton Have Churchgoers Unusually Split

By Christianity Today— Donald Trump seems to be breaking yet another political tradition this election: the “God gap.” In previous US elections, polls consistently showed that a person’s level of religiosity—how important their faith is to them and how often they attend church—was one of the biggest predictors in how they would vote. The more…


Israeli government committee recognizes Armenian genocide

By— An Israeli Knesset committee has announced that it recognizes the Armenian Genocide, encouraging the Israeli government to formally adopt the move. “It is our moral obligation to recognize the holocaust of the Armenian nation,” said the Education, Culture and Sports Committee chairman MK Yaakov Margi (Shas). Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein asked in early…


Ministry warns: Hamas NGO scandal deeper than imagined

By Rachel Kaplan, Arutz7— Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director Dore Gold condemned the NGO World Vision’s transfer of funds to Hamas. In a published statement, Gold expressed his horror that “one of the largest charitable and humanitarian aid organizations in the world” gave “approximately $7.2 million to the military wing of Hamas…mainly to strengthen its…


This Video Epitomizes the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Israel Today— Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (see below), were horrified by a video clip posted to the Internet showing a Palestinian father trying to get his 4-year-old son to attack an Israeli soldier in hopes that the soldier would respond with violence and thereby bolster claims that Israelis are violent racists. Instead,…


Former White House Official: State Department’s Latest Assault on Israel Indicates Obama Administration Seeking Even Greater Distance From Jewish State

By Ruthie Blum, Algemeiner— The State Department’s latest assault on Israel is further proof of the Obama administration’s deep conviction that “more distancing between itself and Jerusalem is a good thing for the United States,” a top adviser to former US President George W. Bush told The Algemeiner on Monday. “Its obsession with housing construction…


King David’s descendants making case to reclaim ownership of the Temple Mount

By Breaking Israel News— In another manifestation of Biblical precepts interacting with modern life, a private foundation representing the descendants of King David recently launched a lawsuit presenting a legal claim to ownership of the Temple Mount. While their claim is legally sound and verifiable, it faces significant political hurdles. One of the suit’s beneficiaries,…


Candidly Speaking: American Jewish leaders are on the edge of the abyss

By Isi Leibler, JPost— The American presidential elections have created an unprecedented climate of political chaos. Both candidates are reviled by the bulk of the electorate, many of whom intimate that they intend to abstain from voting. The polls originally predicted that Hillary Clinton would win by a landslide, but the odds have now dramatically…


What Do Trump, Brexit and Christian Zionism Have in Common?

By Brian Hennessy, Israel Today— Throughout history we have seen how a nation oppressed by an autocratic government, whether foreign or its own, must eventually revolt or submit to humiliating slavery. We saw it in the American Revolution in 1776, and certainly in Israel’s Exodus from Egypt under Moses.It is in this context I believe…


Christians Returning to the Jewish Roots of the Saturday Sabbath

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— More and more Christians are seeking their Hebrew roots and, as a result are changing their Sabbath from Sunday to Saturday. This one practice immediately sets them apart, pushing them into a no-man’s land in between Christianity and Judaism. But they find the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.…


On Modern Antisemitism, Christian Silence Is Complicity

By Carla Brewington, Algeimener— In the 1930s in Germany, many caved to the dangerous political agenda of the time. They wanted power, peace, and prosperity, to reclaim their country from the ravages of World War I. Christians were no different. But in doing so, they embraced the words of Martin Luther. In 1539, in his…
