The Academic War on the Jews

By GIULIO MEOTTI, ARUTZ 7— Anti-Semitism no longer shocks people. When legions of “Palestinian martyrs” started blowing themselves up in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Afula and Karnei Shomron, the British daily Guardian ran an editorial titled “Israel Has No Right to Exist”. Now that Iran’s nuclear facilities are close to manufacturing  a new Hiroshima’s bomb, the…


President Peres to meet with Pope Francis

By ISRAEL HAYOM— President Shimon Peres will meet with the new head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, next week, during a state visit to Italy. Peres will leave for Rome on Monday, for a visit that also includes meetings with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, newly elected Prime Minister Enrico Letta, and local Jewish leaders.…


American Jewish leaders: Stop the rot now

By ISI LEIBLER — JPOST — CANDIDLY SPEAKING: Many consider it a wake-up call and believe that alarm bells should be ringing at major Jewish organizations. Visiting New York this week, I sought to assess the broader implications of the recent “International Peace Award” bestowed on former president Jimmy Carter by Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law…


Boston marathon bombers full intentions

By MICHAEL WILNER, JPOST— The last man to see the Tsarnaev brothers together alive was the unlucky owner of the Mercedes-Benz SUV they car-jacked. The victim told authorities that the two perpetrators of last week’s Boston Marathon bombings wanted to drive his car to New York, where they would continue their assault with a remaining…


Palestinian Museum: 200 years of history?

By AVIEL SCHNEIDER, ISRAEL TODAY— Last week, the laying of the cornerstone of the new “Palestinian Museum” made headlines worldwide. The museum is a private initiative that aims to tell a 200-year-old Palestinian history. Established adjacent to Birzeit University near Ramallah, the museum will be build in two stages and eventually encompass an area of…


Why So Many Muslims Embrace Religious and Ideological Warfare

By VICTOR SHARPE, AMERICAN THINKER— Mahatma Gandhi is quoted in the book, Gandhi: The Power of Pacifism, by Catherine Clement, as follows: “While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest:…


Make no mistake, it was Jihad

By MICHAEL MUKASEY, WALL STREET JOURNAL— If your concern about the threat posed by the Tsarnaev brothers is limited to assuring that they will never be in a position to repeat their grisly acts, rest easy. The elder, Tamerlan—apparently named for the 14th-century Muslim conqueror famous for building pyramids of his victims’ skulls to commemorate…


Israel–the happy little country

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— As Independence Day celebrations were winding down Tuesday night, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made a guest appearance on Channel 2’s left-wing satire show Eretz Nehederet. One of the final questions that the show’s host Eyal Kitzis asked the premier was how he would like to be remembered after he leaves office.…


Shabbat Shalom: Ancient poem

This text, by an anonymous author who lived sometime in late antiquity (4-7 CE) somewhere in the Byzantine Empire, is a strange and bold description of God. Mystical “travelers” would ascent to the heavens and describe the wondrous visions experienced there. Maimonides’ hated these texts, but it is the experience behind them which animates traditional…


An Islamic Declaration of War on Christianity

By RAYMOND IBRAHIM, FRONTPAGE— While it is easy to confuse the recent jihadi attack on Egypt’s St. Mark Cathedral in Cairo as just more of the usual, this attack has great symbolic significance, and in many ways bodes great evil for Egypt’s millions of Christians. Consider some facts: St. Mark Cathedral—named after the author of…
