Hezbollah leader says terror group capable of defeating Israel in war

By Omri Ariel, Jerusalem Online— Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday he is “certain” that the terrorist organization would defeat Israel in the next war. In a televised speech aired as part of Lebanon’s commemoration of 18 years since the Israeli withdrawal from its territory, Nasrallah said Hezbollah does not seek a military conflict…


Why Israel should recognize and cherish evangelical support

By Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, YNetnews.com The US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the White House’s official recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is an impressive diplomatic achievement of the Netanyahu government, and influential Jewish groups likely contributed to the move too. But there is another group whose contribution to this move should…


Turkey: Israel harming itself if it recognizes ‘Armenian Holocaust’

By YNETNEWS-— Israel will be harming itself if it chooses to recognize the Armenian Genocide, Turkey warned on Friday in the latest verbal sparring match that has bedevilled the two countries’ relations in recent weeks. The warning comes two days after Knesset Speaker Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein said Wednesday that “Israel must recognize the Armenian Genocide,”…


Zionism and the Wedge Between US and Israeli Jews

By Asaf Romirowsky, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies— In Mandatory Palestine, Jews began to accumulate power – economic, political, and military – which caused other Jews to immediately question the enterprise itself. Old anti-Semitic tropes came to the fore, like the notion that a Jewish state would be based on “exploitation” or even Zionist “world…


Messianic Lite: Nasso, “Take a census”

This week’s Torah portion covers Numbers 4:21 to 7:89. The text is made up of seemingly unrelated passages that are out of any chronological order. The reading begins with a continuation of the census in the camp. Over 8,000 Levites are counted responsible for transporting the Tabernacle. Details are given for exactly which pieces go to which…


For the First Time Ever: A Jewish-Christian Party To Run For Knesset

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Avi Lipkin, a well-known lecturer who has spoken in over 1,000 churches, announced that he has formed the first joint Jewish-Christian party and intends to lead it in the next Knesset elections. A closer look at his motives reveals that this may be the wave of the future.…


Out of the North Evil Will Break Forth

By Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today— One must wonder why Turkish President Erdogan’s anti-Semitic rhetoric is brushed aside so lightly. Or, why Europe, enamored by the Palestinians whose dream is Israel’s annihilation, support the Iran nuclear deal. Instead of reminding itself of the Iranian fascination with the Nazi concept of the Aryan race (under Nazi influence Persia…


Knesset Approves Motion on Recognizing Armenian Genocide

By Lahav Harkov, Jpost— The Knesset will hold a vote on whether to recognize the Armenian Genocide, after approving Meretz chairwoman Tamar Zandberg’s motion for the agenda on the subject Wednesday. “This is our moral and historic obligation,” Zandberg said. “Some things are above politics.” The motion, approved 16-0, was to hold the first-ever debate…


Palestinians: Americans Now Legitimate Targets

By Bassamm Tawil, Gatestone Institute— There is a new development in Palestinian hatred of the Trump administration: the Palestinian leaders’ verbal attacks on the US are now being translated into acts of violence against US delegations visiting Palestinian communities in the West Bank. The Palestinian campaign against the US began in December 2017, when President…


Ambassador Friedman: Evangelicals ‘Support Israel With Greater Devotion’ Than Many Jews

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz— The historic opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem was a religious as well as a political event with several prominent Christian leaders present. This support was not lost on US Ambassador David Friedman. In an interview with the New York Times on Saturday, Friedman said that Evangelical Christians “support Israel…


Israel and Turkey in All-Out Diplomatic War, and It Could Get Worse

By Yochanan Visser, Israel Today— Turkish-Israeli relations hit a new low this week after Turkey’s hot-headed dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Israel “a terror and an apartheid state” that was committing “genocide” in Gaza. Erdogan also accused Israel Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu of having “the blood of Palestinians on his hands” after 60 Palestinian Arabs…
