With friends like these

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— The slurs against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu voiced by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama after last week’s G20 summit were revealing as well as repugnant. Thinking no one other than Obama could hear him, Sarkozy attacked Netanyahu, saying, “I can’t stand to see him anymore, he’s a…


Obama's Mideast adviser steps down amid stalled peace talks

BY BARAK RAVID AND NATASHA MOZGOVAYA, HAARETZ— The growing frustration in the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama over the apparent stall in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians continued to take its toll on Thursday, as the president’s Middle East adviser Dennis Ross stepped down from his post. News of Ross’ resignation comes…


Nabion on Supersessionism

By Nabion, www.nabion.org Supersessionism is the general Christian Mishnaic doctrine, if you will, that implies or outright states that Christianity has superseded Judaism. The dangers of supersessionism is that it adulates Christianity as it is proffered at any given time, rather than actual Biblical Christianity, which was itself no different than Biblical Judaism. Not all…


If Jews aren't chosen neither are we

by Joseph Farah, World Net Daily The Vatican last week challenged the biblical precept that the Jews are the chosen people of God. Then the Vatican, through the person of Monsignor Cyril Salim Bustros, a Greek Melkite archbishop from Boston and president of the church’s “commission for the message,” claimed the Bible “cannot be used…


UK expects Israeli attack on Iran next month with US logistical support

BY DEBKAFILE— A senior Foreign Office official says British government ministers have been told to expect Israeli military action in the wake of the UN watchdog report “as early as Christmas or very early in the new year,” the London Daily Mail reported Thursday, Nov. 10.  The ministers were told that Israel would strike Iran’s…


Dangerous To Dismiss The Belief System Of The Twelver Shiites Ruling Iran

BY DR. AARON LERNER, IMRA— Does the Iranian leadership really believe what they profess to believe? The overwhelming majority of the analysis and recommendations prepared for Western policy makers has hinged on the assumption that they aren’t. Take for example a simulation organized last May 16 by the Lauder School of Government to consider, among…


Ancient Christian prayer box discovered in Jerusalem excavations

BY TRAVELUJAH— A small prayer box from the Byzantine era was discovered in Jerusalem during archaeological excavations, proving that Christians have in fact been making pilgrimage to and living in the holy city for centuries. The miniature box, measuring 2.2 by 1.6 cm., is made of animal bone and is adorned with a cross. It…


US says discussing more Iran sanctions with Russia

BY YITZHAK BENHORIN, YNET— A day after the publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) report saying Iran appears to have worked on designing an atom bomb, the US is working to impose harsher sanctions against the Islamic Republic. State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said Wednesday that Washington was in consultations with Russia and…


A nuclear Iran would be the gravest threat

BY JEFF JACOBY, BOSTON GLOBE— Ron Paul, the Texas congressman and isolationist would-be president, is against using tough economic sanctions or military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. How then, he was asked on “Fox News Sunday,” would he persuade Teheran to abandon its quest for the bomb? “Well,” Paul suggested, “maybe offering…


Did you hear what Obama told Sarkozy?

BY DAVID HOROWITZ— Just yesterday French President Sarkozy was heard saying to Barack Obama: “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar.” Obama retorted in response: “You’re fed up? But I have to deal with it all day.” This is Obama’s “reset” foreign policy. Appease America’s enemies in the Middle East while sticking it to America’s…


U.S. renews financial aid to Palestinians after UN statehood row

BY NATASHA MOZGOVAYA, AP– The Palestinians are slated to receive some 200 million dollars in U.S. security assistance after a top House Republican ended her hold on the money. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, informed the Obama administration in recent weeks that she no longer would block 50 million…


US believes Israel may soon attack Iran

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— A senior American military official on Friday told CNN that the Obama Administration is “absolutely concerned” that Israel may soon strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. The official insisted that the US itself has no intention of attacking Iran (though other reports suggest otherwise), and said there is no guarantee Israel will…
