Senior WH Official says Trump decision to move embassy is a matter of “when not if”

By Michael Wilner, JPost— The Trump administration remains committed to moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but its Mideast peace team stands united behind the president in his resolve to delay the move, a senior White House official told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. In a weekend interview with former…


Mr. President, Don’t Put America at Risk with Flawed Iran Deal

By John Bolton, Gatestone— President Trump will address U.S. policy toward Iran on Thursday, doubtless focusing on his decision regarding Barack Obama’s badly flawed nuclear deal. Key officials are now briefing Congress, the press and foreign governments about the speech, cautioning that the final product is, in fact, not yet final. The preponderant media speculation…


Exclusive interview: ‘Son of Hamas,’ the speaker who shocked the UNHRC

By Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, Arutz 7— “Hamas, which I know well, is an ideological political organization that views extreme violence as a means to achieve its political ends. In the 21st century an individual or group that tries to achieve its goals by violent means should not be legitimized by anybody. In my definition, Hamas…


Feast of Tabernacles: Celebrating 37 Years of Christians’ Prophetic Gathering in Jerusalem

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, BIN— On Wednesday, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem will begin its 37th annual Feast of Tabernacles, a spectacular week of devotion and learning that will bring together over 6,000 pilgrims from nearly 100 nations. Based on the gathering of nations in Solomon’s Temple for the holiday of Sukkot, the 2017 Feast…


A Messianic Midrash—The Miracle at Sukkot

BY JEWS FOR JESUS— The Feast of Tabernacles had ended. The crowds had dispersed and those who had traveled to Jerusalem from the outlying regions were making their way home. The sukkahs were being cleared away along with well-shaken lulavs, bent and broken from the joyous celebration. Jerusalem was returning to its usual bustling pace.…


Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) guide for the perplexed, 2017

By Yoram Ettinger 1. Sukkot and Senator Robert Byrd. The holiday of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) is dedicated to the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, which was often quoted by the late Senator Robert Byrd, the longest serving Senator and Member of Congress in US history, who was known to quote Biblical verses.…
