Red Alert: Antisemitism, Let’s Take a Global Look

By Amy Zewe— In Canada last Wednesday, in demonstrations across the nation, anti-Israel activists slammed “Zionists” following the assassination of notorious terrorist Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, calling for Palestinians including Palestinian-Canadian youth to follow in his footsteps. The shocking display of love for a brutal terrorist with the blood of innocent civilians on his hands in major Canadian cities…


Red Alert: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words will Never Hurt Me: Is this true?

By Amy Zewe Well, technically, yes this is true. Until the words lead to action. When hate is manifested in words—whether a verbal speech, a flyer, article or sign, or when it is posted to the internet to be read by millions across the globe—many argue that free speech is impeded when we attempt to…


Red Alert: Why is fighting antisemitism on college campuses so important?

By Amy Zewe While we are on summer break in the academic calendar, antisemitism seems to take no vacation or time off. is an excellent resource for finding information that the mainstream press often overlooks (either on purpose or from simple lack of interest). A July 17 feature article in Honest Reporting examines the…


Red Alert: Why is the United Nations not so united to its original mission?

Several articles captured my attention this week when it comes to The UN (United Nations). You may remember last winter when we protested outside the UNWRA DC headquarters demanding that funding to the Palestinian education system cease until it was vetted to NOT be aiding in terrorism: Particularly, teaching hate within the school curriculums of…


UN violated its own rules, appointed biased commissioners against Israel – opinion

By BRUCE RASHKOW, GIL KAPEN, JPost— The incredibly biased and predictably distorted preliminary report of the United Nations commission of inquiry against Israel is galling and must be rejected in its entirety for a variety of reasons, but primarily because it has been prepared by individuals who fail to meet the fundamental rules of the…


Red Alert: Word from a White House Press Corps Member

By Amy Zewe Join us for this interview with special guest Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper of Intermountain Christian News and NEWSRAEL  Dr. Harper’s YouTube Channel:  Dr. Harper is a Christian journalist assigned to the white house press detail. He has a unique insight into the administration and is planning to travel to Israel in July…


Trilateral Agreement Cements Israel’s Role on Global Energy Stage

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBNIsrael— In past centuries, explorers could never have imagined sailing the seas in search of underwater treasures beyond those in sunken ships. However, in today’s explorations, another kind of fortune lies deep: natural offshore riches accessible only through modern technology. Indeed, the 1999 discovery of natural gas fields off Israel’s coast…


Red Alert: Should Seeking Truth be a Priority at University?

By Amy Zewe One would assume any educational institution would have the search for truth as a primary objective. The very reason for education is to discover the truth of the world—whether it is the hard sciences, where truth is discovered and unraveled, or the humanities where the search for in-tangible truth like justice, fairness,…
