The Islamic infiltration of America

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 5, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— In his startling book, Inflitration, investigative journalist Paul Sperry, provides shocking facts about the radical Muslim agenda to destroy our way of life. He quotes Donald Lavey who is an FBI counterterrorism veteran who also served as counterterrorism chief for Interpol: “Muslim subversives have managed to…


Who Really Supports Israel?

by Jim Hutchens Congress as a whole is predominately pro-Israel. Some notable exceptions are the 54 Democrats who recently visited Israel with a blatantly pro-Palestinian agenda. Still most of our elected officials in Washington say they are pro-Israel. The question is, “What do these people mean when they say ‘I support Israel’?” Does saying “I…


Israeli Initiative Update No. 28

UNRWA is Bad for Israel Recently, UNRWA came out with its first promotional campaign geared towards Israelis.   The online campaign, titled (in Hebrew) “UNRWA: Bad for Extremism,” presents three questions “Israelis have asked” about UNRWA, though clearly they mean The Israeli Initiative.   The first: Does UNRWA perpetuate the refugee problem? Second:  Is UNRWA involved in…


The United States of Islam

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 4, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— In the United States, Islam claims to be the fourth largest religion. Muslims are outnumbered only by Southern Baptist, Roman Catholics and those who practice Judaism. There are more Muslims in the United States than Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, etc. In the near future, there will…


The United States of Islam

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 4, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— In the United States, Islam claims to be the fourth largest religion. Muslims are outnumbered only by Southern Baptist, Roman Catholics and those who practice Judaism. There are more Muslims in the United States than Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, etc. In the near future, there will…


Anti-Israel boycotts flourish where ignorance prevails

By Victor Sharpe I just returned from the UK where anti-Israel boycotts prevail. Boycotts are highly effective and Israel is in peril of losing traditional markets for its many fine products if the anti-Israel boycotters prevail in their relentless campaigns. While visiting England I helped organize counter boycotts and participated in a pro-Israel scheme called…


It's Inter-Arab Violence, Stupid!

(Reassessment of Middle East Policy) By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger     Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #233 “Second Thought,” Jerusalem 1. An assessment of the politically-correct Western policy-making, media commentaries and conventional wisdom raises the following questions: *Is the Palestinian issue the crux of Middle East turbulence? *Is the Arab-Israeli conflict the core cause of anti-Western…


Palestinian Prime Minister to Israeli Audience: You Make Concessions, We Don't

By Barry Rubin Imagine this. You’re prime minister of a regime that isn’t yet a state. You are praised in the Western media as a great moderate man of peace. You represent a people who the U.S. president says is in an intolerable situation. You supposedly want a country of your own. Indeed you’ve announced…


How Christian Zionists helped pave the way for Israel’s Declaration of Independence

By David Parsons, Israel marked the 62nd anniversary of the United Nations vote to accept the Partition Plan for Mandate Palestine on 29 November 1947. This decision paved the way for the declaration of an independent Jewish State some six months later. In marking this historic occasion, it is proper to also recall some…


Huckabee at Yad Vashem

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, who came in second to Senator John McCain in the Republican Presidential primary, visited Yad Vashem yesterday, February 3. He was hosted by the Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. Huckabee’s VIP entourage included Congressman Bob McEwen from Ohio, Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, the singer and…


The Evangelical Left and Israel

By Mark D. Tooley, “Emergent Church” guru Brian McLaren is a key figure on the Evangelical Left who is trying to shift Evangelicals, who are America’s most pro-Israel demographic, into a more neutralist stance. Currently, he is leading a delegation through Israel and “Palestine” to broadcast the sins of Israeli oppression against Palestinians by…


A Sure Foundation

By Dwight A. Pryor, Center for Judaic Christian Studies SUPERSESSIONISM IS DEEPLY ROOTED in Christian thinking and tradition. This is the notion that because the Jewish people “rejected Christ” God rejected them as His chosen people and replaced Israel with the Church in His redemptive purposes in the earth. As the “New Israel” Christians supersede…
