Sharon’s Lasting Legacy: Strategic Trade-Offs

By RON JAGER— When Gush Katif was destroyed nine years ago, four communities from the Northern Samaria were also systematically destroyed and cleansed of any Jewish presence. These four communities, along with the rest of the Gush Katif communities located in the Gaza Strip, were overnight, simply wiped off the map. For many of us…


Jewish Democrats’ surrender on Iran

By SHOULA ROMANO HORING: YNET— Op-ed: It seems Jewish Democratic senators will choose President Obama’s agenda every time over Israel’s survival, and are even willing in the process to throw the Jewish state under the bus — It is a sad moment in history when the president of the dictatorial Iranian Islamic regime’s characterization of…


Yad Vashem posthumously honors Polish woman

BY ARYEH SAVIR, YNET— Yad Vashem held an event last Thursday posthumously honoring Maria Zurawska as Righteous Among the Nations from Poland. The medal and certificate of honor were accepted by her daughter, Bronislawa Skoczylas, who arrived from Poland to attend the ceremony. The ceremony took place in the presence of Polish Ambassador to Israel…


Stephen Harper vows loyalty to Israel in speech to Knesset

By LAURA PAYTON, CBC NEWS— Prime Minister Stephen Harper spoke fiercely in defence of Israel Monday, accusing critics of anti-Semitism, vowing to stand with the country, and drawing heckles from two legislators who eventually stormed out of his speech to the Knesset. “Through fire and water, Canada will stand with you,” Harper said in closing…


Why is Germany telling Jews where to live?

By MICHAEL FREUND— With an impeccable sense of timing, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Israel earlier this week, attended the funeral of Ariel Sharon, and then proceeded to browbeat Israel in public. Speaking with reporters, Steinmeier accused the Jewish state of “damaging” the peace process by building homes for Jews in Judea and…


Hamas: Israel Will be Gone by 2022

By ISRAEL TODAY— Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad marked the anniversary of the December 2008-January 2009 “Gaza War” with Israel by telling Palestinians that they would fully liberate the entirety of “Palestine” within eight years. According to Hamad, Islamic prophecies foretell that Israel will be replaced with a Palestinian state. This goal, the destruction of…


IDF Legend: Ya’alon is right, this is absurd

By ARI YASHAR, ARUTZ 7— Brigadier General (Res.) Amatzia (“Patzi”) Chen, who was a member of Ariel Sharon’s legendary 101st Unit, praised Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon’s criticism of US Secretary of State John Kerry, in which Yaalon slammed Kerry for operating “based upon an unfathomable obsession and a messianic feeling.” “Yaalon said clear things; there…


Biden to utilize trip for Sharon’s funeral to push forward peace talks

By REUTERS— Vice President Joe Biden will hold talks with Israeli leaders during a visit to the region as head of a US delegation to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s funeral on Monday, Biden’s office said. Biden’s meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be a chance for the vice president to try to further…
