NY Times tells Obama to force peace deal on Israel at UN

By Israel National News— The New York Times editorial board has demanded that President Obama lead the charge in the UN Security Council to approve a resolution that would pressure Israel into an unfavorable peace deal. The NY Times’ demand to pressure Israel into a peace deal is apparently in response to Israel approving the construction…


Israel rejects State Department criticism

By Nitsan Keidar, Israel National News— The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem rejected on Wednesday evening the criticism of the State Department in Washington over Israel’s approval of construction of homes on government-owned land in Shilo for residents who will be evicted from the community of Amona. “The 98 housing units approved in Shilo are not…


Middle East Expert: Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine ‘Grossly Distorted’ Israeli Military Chief’s View of Iran Deal

By Barney Breen-Portnoy, Algemeiner— Democratic candidate Tim Kaine “grossly misrepresented and distorted” the IDF chief of staff’s view of the Iran nuclear agreement during the vice presidential debate on Tuesday night, a Middle East expert told The Algemeiner. Speaking with The Algemeiner on Wednesday, Dr. Emily B. Landau, a senior research fellow at Israel’s Institute…


Ending the Palestinian Exception

By Caroline Glick— Ahead of Monday night’s first presidential debate, Rudolph Giuliani – former New York mayor and Republican nominee Donald Trump’s current adviser – spoke at the Israeli American Council’s annual conference. Four days of intense debate preparation with Trump preceded the talk. Giuliani insisted the time has come for the US to “reject…


The Eight State Solution Revisited

By Ron Jager— In recent days, the head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, spoke at the general assembly of the United Nations basing his remarks on three basic Palestinian beliefs that reflect the Palestinian’s inability to be partners towards a peaceful solution with Israel. Abbas, spoke of the Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel’s…


Obama administration denies Jerusalem is located in Israel

By Aaron Klein, Breitbart— The White House press office on Friday struck out “Israel” as the country in which Jerusalem is located when distributing a transcript of President Obama’s remarks at the funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. An image of the press release can be seen here:          …


ELCA’s Detrimental Obsession with Israel

By Sarah Chin, JuicyEcumenism— In 1995, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) issued “For Peace in God’s World,” calling on Lutherans to “strengthen the will and ability to resolve conflicts peacefully” and “conciliate differences.” On August 11, 2016, ELCA betrayed the lofty goals expressed in that document by adopting resolutions calling on the U.S.…


Has World Vision lost its Christian Backbone?

By Chelsen Vicari, JuicyEucmenism— On Tuesday, an expert on Christian media said the evangelical relief group World Vision must recognize when it is used as a tool in the propaganda war against Israel and restore its evangelical roots if it wants to remain an effective Christian charity. Christian Media Analyst for the Committee for Accuracy…


Why Iran is more dangerous than Islamic State

By Moshe Ya’alon, LA Times— U.S. political leaders of both parties argue that destroying Islamic State is America’s top priority in the Middle East. In reality, that’s not nearly as important as confronting the challenge posed by Iran. The nuclear deal that went into effect a year ago may have postponed the danger of an…
