Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Address to the U.N.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you greetings from Jerusalem. The city in which the Jewish People’s hopes and prayers for peace for all of humanity have echoed throughout the ages. Thirty-one years ago, as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, I stood at this podium for the first time. I spoke that day against a…


Jews ‘no longer feel safe’ in Europe and mass exodus increasing as a result of surge in anti-Semitic incidents

By: Leo Cendrowicz, Independent— The current influx of refugees into Europe could be mirrored by a mass exodus of Jews, faith leaders have warned as new figures revealed a rise in anti-Semitic incidents over the past year. European Jewish Congress President Dr Moshe Kantor told a conference in Brussels: “If hundreds of thousands of Jews leave…


Poll: One-Third of Americans Would Not Hide Jew During Holocaust

By: Cynthia Blank, Israel National News—   Nearly one-third of American adults, if alive during the Holocaust, would refuse to shelter a Jew from the Nazis, a recent poll found. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the poll was conducted as part of a unique marketing ploy to promote the digital release of Return to the…


Israel fears return of Persian Empire

By: Ben Caspit, ALMONITOR— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu embarked Sept. 21 for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an unusual, perhaps even unprecedented move, Netanyahu took Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot as well as military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi with him. In general, Israeli prime ministers…


Our Iranian Interlocutor- Ali Khamenei’s dark obsession with Jews and Israel

BY ALI ALFONEH and REUEL MARC GERECHT, Weekly Standard— Antisemitism has never been an easy subject for America’s foreign-policy establishment. Read through State Department telegrams and Central Intelligence Agency operational and intelligence cables on the Middle East and you will seldom find it discussed, even though Jew-hatred—not just anti-Zionism—has been a significant aspect, if not…


President Obama and Pope Francis Both Admit That Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism

By: Adam Levick, Algemeiner— It’s been a difficult couple of weeks for “progressive” anti-Zionists. First, Barack Obama, during his interview with Jeffrey Goldberg last week, clearly suggested that denying Israel’s right to exist is anti-Semitic. More recently, it was reported that Pope Francis told Portuguese-Israeli journalist Henrique Cymerman that “anyone who does not recognize the…


This week’s prayer points

MEDITATE ON ZECHARIAH 12:2-9 2       “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling (staggering, bewilderment, drunken destabilization) to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. 3       “It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all…


Behold Yeshua our Kapparah (Atonement) – Voice for Israel Torah Study on Yom Kippur

By: Hannah Nesher, Voice For Israel— Shalom Chaverim (friends), Greetings from the Land of Israel where in just a few short minutes from now the sun will be setting and we will enter into the holiest day of the biblical calendar – Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) (or Yom Hakippurim יום הכיפורים).   ​”And the Lord…


In rare move, Netanyahu to bring army chiefs to meet Putin in Moscow

By: HERB KEINON, JPOST— IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi will accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a lightning trip to Moscow on Monday, in a clear signal that regional arms transfers and Russia’s troop deployments in Syria will be the main focus of the discussions. Top IDF generals…


Erdogan: Israel Defending Temple Mount ‘A Red Line’

By: Tova Dvorin, Israel National News— Israel defending Judaism’s holiest site is a “red line,” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated to a delegation of visiting Arab MKs on Monday. “I am very disturbed by the situation and will act in the international arena as much as I can to stop the dangerous events…
