Truth Report: Are we in the “Last Days?”

Think on this: ” But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers…


Muslims Still Trying to Keep Messiah Out of Jerusalem

By David Lazarus, Israel Today— Thousands of Palestinians, chanting “Allahu Akbar!” (Allah is great) and waving Palestinian flags broke through into the Golden Gate area that leads up to the Temple Mount over the weekend. Israel had closed the area by court order in 2003 after Hamas and the Islamic Movement activists engaged in subversive…


UKMW prompts Daily Mail correction to claim Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site

By Adam Levick, UK Media Watch—- A Feb. 13th article at the Daily Mail about a luxury Israeli hotel that’s a short walk from Jerusalem’s Old City included the claim that the Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Western Wall, the hotel seems to say (you can see the Old City from the…


Israel jettisons PLO as negotiating partner on Trump peace plan

By David Singer, Canada Free Press— Israel’s decision to withhold US$138 million dollars in tax revenues collected for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) – equalling the estimated annual payments made to Palestinian Arabs (or their families) carrying out random and indiscriminate attacks against Israeli civilians—marks a watershed in Israel-PLO relations. Israel’s action will see the…


A Disturbing Trend: Does Anybody Care?

By Jan Markell, Olive Tree Views— Interest in Israel is waning. Does anybody care? In recent weeks, several publications have put out alarming stories that evangelical support for Israel is sinking — and especially among young people. The periodicals state that a new survey reveals that there is confusion about, or indifference to, the world’s…


Trump Envoy to ‘Post’: Antisemitism at its Worst Since Holocaust

BY Yaakov Katz, JPost— The Jewish people are facing the worst wave of antisemitism since the Holocaust, Elan Carr, the Trump administration’s new special envoy to combat antisemitism, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. Carr was appointed Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism earlier this month after the post had been vacant for two…


Israel Outraged As Jordanians Give Greater Control of Temple Mount to Palestinians

BY JNS.ORG— According to a report by Haaretz on Monday, the Jordanian government enlarged the Waqf religious trust to include Palestinians, who will now have a significantly larger say on the sight of two Jewish Holy Temples: the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque. The seven Palestinians appointed to the council will increase the body…


Ilhan Omar & Co. Were Elected Because of Their Racism, Not In Spite of It

By Caroline Glick, Breitbart— Rep. Ilhan Omar is an antisemite and, as the actions of the congressional Democratic leadership last week made clear, hating Jews is a perfectly acceptable position in today’s Democratic Party. Consider the chronology of events. Last month, Rep. Steven King (R-IA) was stripped of his committee assignments following a statement he…


Mike Pence Warns World Leaders of Iranian Plot for ‘Another Holocaust’ in Israel

By Kayla Koslosky, Christian Headlines—- During a conference on Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence warned European and Middle Eastern leaders of the ‘new Holocaust’ the Iranian regime is plotting. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Monday – during the 40thanniversary of the Islamic Revolution – that he would ‘raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the…


Evangelizing is Wrong, Say Nearly Half of Christian Millennials

By Zack Evans, JPost— The vast majority of practicing Christian millennials believe that knowing Jesus is “the best thing that could happen to someone,” while nearly half believe evangelizing is wrong, a study conducted by the Barna Group reported. In a study entitled “Reviving Evangelism,” the Barna Group, a research center that tracks faith and…


The Real Reason Americans Support Israel (Hint: It’s Not AIPAC)

By Samuel Goldman, Tablet— In January of 2018, Vice President Mike Pence delivered an address at the Knesset to announce the Trump administration’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The speech was notable not only for its occasion, but also for its symbolism. As a conservative evangelical, Pence represented the community…
