Black Lives Matter Protesters Take U-Turn to Blatant Antisemitism

By Clarion Project— Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters took a U-turn into blatant antisemitism recently – that’s if you don’t count targeting Jewish businesses during the riots in Los Angeles as a function of antisemtism. At a rally in Washington, D.C. lead by Harvard student Christian Tabash, protesters could be heard chanting their accusations that…


Germany’s Continuing Anti-Semitism Problem

By Judith Bergman, Gatestone Institute— Almost all anti-Semitic crimes in Germany in 2019 were committed by right-wing extremists, according to a recently published government report, “Politically Motivated Crime in 2019.” In the report, “politically motivated crimes” are divided into right-wing crimes, left-wing crimes, crimes motivated by foreign ideology, crimes motivated by religious ideology and unassigned…


As annexation start date comes and goes, Netanyahu presses on with US talks

By Times of Israel— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will continue to discuss a possible annexation of parts of the West Bank with the US administration, his office said in a statement Wednesday, the target day the premier had set to begin the contentious process. At the same time, Netanyahu convened top Israeli security brass, including…


Does Israel have the Right to Annex Settlements?

By Susan Michael, International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem— The Trump administration unveiled the long-awaited peace plan between Israel and the Palestinian people in January 2020. Perhaps the most realistic and balanced of any peace plan to date, it was rejected by the Palestinian Authority in less than two hours. One of the most controversial pieces…


EU Still Trying to Fund Palestinian Terror-linked NGOs

By Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute— For many years, Palestinians have received unconditional funding from Western donors. Here is how it worked: Palestinian organizations would submit an application for funding, and the donors would automatically sign the check or approve the wire transfer of millions of dollars or euros to the Palestinians’ bank accounts. In…


Shin Bet reveals attempt by Hezbollah to recruit Israeli citizens

By Anna Ahronheim, Jerusalem Post— Hezbollah in Lebanon is working to recruit Israeli civilians in order to carry out terror activities for the Shi’ite terror group, an investigation by Israel’s Shin Bet security agency has found. The Hezbollah cell, as well as the identity of Hezbollah detainees and recruits, was discovered following the June 6…


Jordan said to warn Israel of harsh response to even minimal annexation

By TOI STAFF— Jordan has reportedly made clear to Israel that it will not accept even a limited annexation of West Bank land and will respond to any such move in the same way it would react to the unilateral annexation of all settlements and the Jordan Valley, as initially intended by Prime Minister Benjamin…


Report: PA ready to resume negotiations with Israel

By Daniel Siryoti , Erez Linn and i24NEWS, Israel Hayom— The Palestinian Authority is ready to resume peace talks with Israel and has relayed a message to that effect to the international peacemaking Quartet, French news agency AFP reported on Monday, According to the report, the Palestinians are “ready to resume direct bilateral negotiations from…


It’s a little late for Jews to get even with St. Louis

By Jonathan Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate— Who says Jews and Muslims can’t work together? In St. Louis, an Israeli-American restaurant owner and a pair of Muslim activists have joined forces in order to exact retroactive justice against a historical figure that hated both groups. Their target is King Louis IX of France (1214-1270) who was…


Senior Trump aides said to begin informal talks on whether to back annexation

By Times of Israel— Senior aides to US President Donald Trump on Tuesday began discussions on the administration’s position on Israel’s planned annexation of parts of the West Bank, a US official and a person familiar with the deliberations told the Reuters news agency. The White House discussions reportedly included senior adviser Jared Kushner, national…


Israel’s Government Is Gambling On Annexation

By Ilan Berman, Al-Hurra Digital— Since April of 2019, when the idea was first floated publicly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s plan to annex portions of the West Bank and Jordan River Valley has become widely unpopular. In a recent Jerusalem Post poll, only 27 percent of respondents unequivocally favored annexation. Nearly as many…


Hezbollah video threatens precision guided missiles on Tel Aviv

By Times of Israel— The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group on Saturday released a video threatening to strike major Israeli cities with precision guided missiles and claiming that it has the capability to hit “very precise targets” anywhere in Israel. In the video clip released via social media, coordinates of Israeli targets across the country are…
