Netanyahu: The Bible is the Rock of Our Existence in Israel

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel— Without the Bible and the ancient link to our Land, there is no significance for the Jewish presence in Israel, said Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara hosted a special meeting of the Tanakh (Bible) Study Circle in honor of the Jewish New Year…


Israel unmoved by EU proposal to expand Arab role in peace talks

By: Herb Keinon, JPOST— An EU proposal to expand the Quartet as a way of jump-starting the stymied Israel-Palestinian diplomatic track elicited shrugs in Jerusalem on Sunday, with officials saying that what is needed is a Palestinian desire to hold talks, not “bureaucratic creativity.” “From our perspective, the problem is that the Palestinians have no…


Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif Urges ‘United Front’ Against Israeli ‘Enemy’

By: David Daoud, The Algemeiner— Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed Tehran’s readiness to cooperate with other regional actors to establish a “united front” against Israel, the regime-aligned Tasnim News Agency reported on Wednesday. “We are ready to cooperate with all friends that believe in the necessity of forming a united front against the…


Rouhani Says Iran Will Not Abide by Security Council Resolution

By: United Collation for Israel— It now seems inevitable that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will win enough support in Congress to become U.S. law. While the Iran deal’s proponents and detractors can debate the merits of the deal, the sharp partisan lines on assessment of the deal affirm what a partisan football U.S.…


Where is Israel on Evangelical Christian Voters’ List of Priorities?

By: Paul Stanley, Breaking Israel News— Seventeen Republican presidential candidates are vying for the support of evangelical Christian voters from the swing states of Ohio and Florida, to the cornfields of Iowa, to the small towns of the Deep South. Within the varied spectrum of 2016 election issues such as the economy, immigration, and health…


The Democrats Now Own Iran. They’ll Soon Wish They Didn’t

By: Johnathan Tobin, Commentary Magazine: This morning, President Obama got what he’s been working toward all year. With Senator Barbara Mikulski’s announcement that she will vote to support the Iran nuclear deal, the administration got its 34th vote in the Senate, thus assuring that the president will have enough support to sustain a veto of…


Christian Leaders Unite Against Proposed Iran Agreement

Christian leaders have come together under the banner of American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) in order to unite their voices in support of Israel, thereby having far greater impact than any one organization. Their first initiative addresses the Iran Agreement, an issue affecting both Israel and the United States. Today, this network sent a petition to the…


The obscene drive to avoid any Senate vote on the Iran deal

By: Post Editorial Board, New York Post— Whether to approve the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran is the most important question to face Congress in years — yet the president wants to stop the Senate from even debating it. He’s pushing Democrats to use the filibuster rule to stop the question from making it to…


Battle of the Messiah’s: Iran Hastening Process of Mahdi’s Arrival with Horrific Chaos Around the World

By: Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Most people are aware of the Christian and Jewish concepts of messiah, but very few outside of Islam know of their concept of messiah and how it irreconcilably pits them against the Judeo-Christian world. Today, the Islamic concept of the messiah is being expressed in current political events,…


Op-Ed: “Rabbis” for Hamas, Obama and Iran

By: Daniel Greenfield, Israel National News— In 2008, Elliot Dorff joined Rabbis for Obama in their claim that Senator Obama would be a “leader in the fight against serious threats to Israel.” Dorff, a Beverly Hills based clergyman, showed a deep grasp of geopolitical issues when he claimed that because of President Bush, “now the…


Iran official: We’ll bolster our military until Israel is overthrown

By: Times of Israel Staff, Times of Israel — Escalating Iran’s rhetoric against Israel, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps vowed Wednesday that the regime would boost its military capabilities relentlessly until Israel was destroyed. “The Islamic Revolution will continue enhancing its preparedness until it overthrows Israel and liberates Palestine,” the IRGC’s…
