Abbas denies the Jewish connection to Jerusalem

By HERB KEINON, JPOST— Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas denied the Jewish connection to Jerusalem on Tuesday, the same day he spoke by phone with both Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s envoy Yitzhak Molcho. Abbas issued a statement Tuesday, marking the 43rd anniversary of an attempt by deranged Australian Christian Denis…


Israeli archaeologist digs into Nazi death camp

By  AP and ISRAEL HAYOM— When Israeli archaeologist Yoram Haimi decided to investigate his family’s unknown Holocaust history, he turned to the skill he knew best: He began to dig. After learning that two of his uncles were murdered in the infamous Sobibor death camp, he embarked on a landmark excavation project that is shining…


The economics of attacking Iran

By ILAN BERMAN, FORBES— Will Israel, in fact, attack Iran? That question, a perennial one in the debate over Iran’s nuclear program, has gained far greater urgency of late, as it is becoming increasingly clear that Western sanctions have failed to alter the Islamic Republic’s strategic trajectory. Yet no one knows the answer with certainty…


Israeli, US navies complete drill in Mediterranean

By YAAKOV LAPPIN, JPOST— The Israeli and US navies completed a joint drill last week in the Mediterranean Sea. The exercise, dubbed Reliant Mermaid, focused on search and rescue maneuvers and involved helicopter landings on vessels, but also live fire. The US Navy stressed that the exercise was not associated with any real world events…


Will America forsake Israel, again?

By GUILIO MEOTTI, JPOST — America’s interest in Israel’s strategic value has always been the primary motivation for US support. The Israel-Iran countdown has begun, and with regard to Teheran’s nuclear race we are witnessing a great crisis in US-Israel relations. Will America help the tiny Jewish state? Can Israel trust the word of a…


Israeli gas, Iranian Missles, and the Russian Price Tag

By ROTEM SELLA, GATESTONE INSTITUTE— In the on-going debate over an Israeli attack on Iran, attention has largely focused over the last few weeks on Israel and America, for good reason. But what about Russia? A very senior person in the Israeli gas industry tells me: “The Russians have been poking around here for a…


Khamenei: 'Tumor' of Israel is world's biggest problem

By AFP– The “cancerous tumor” of Israel is the biggest problem confronting Muslim countries today, Iran’s supreme leader said on Sunday, repeating an epithet slammed just days earlier by UN chief Ban Ki-moon and US and EU officials. In a speech marking Eid al-Fitr, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Ali…


Oren: 'Israeli attack on Iran won't create a rift with the US'

By ISRAEL HAYOM— Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Michael Oren tells Israel Hayom that if Israel attacks Iran, the Jewish state will receive widespread support from ordinary Americans and Congress, while President Barack Obama “will continue to recognize our right to defend ourselves on our own” • Meanwhile, former Israel Air Force head says U.S. military…


How Palestinians keep shooting themselves in the foot

By HISHAM JARALLAH, GATESTONE INSTITUTE— Instead if using the billions of dollars that were given to them by Americans and Europeans to create new jobs, the PLO leadership stole most of the funds and later blamed Israel for damaging the Palestinian economy. As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel…


Video: 'Tel Aviv is cool but Jerusalem is Israel's capital'

The British broadcast authority, which has often been charged with bias against Israel, listed “East Jerusalem” as the capital for the “Palestinian Olympic team” while leaving Israel listed without a capital. After Israel and Jews around the world complained, the BBC partly corrected its mistake and stated that Israel’s “seat of government is Jerusalem” while…
