Truth Report: One Law for Jew and Gentile (Exodus 12:49)
“The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.” —Exodus 12:49 (NIV)
Details“The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.” —Exodus 12:49 (NIV)
DetailsBy David Bedein, Israel Behind the News— A few months ago, Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg launched a modest effort to galvanize Jewish support for Donald Trump. Rabbi Rosenberg maintained that his instincts were that Trump would make a strong President who would be both fair and friendly to Israel. Issuing numerous press releases under the…
DetailsBy Raphael Poch, Israel National News— As the New Hampshire primaries get underway today (Feb. 9th) in the United States, former Senator Joseph Lieberman told Israeli Army Radio that “no matter who becomes president the relationship between Israel and the United States will improve.” “When we go back and listen to President Barack Obama’s…
DetailsBy Ron Jager— The Palestinian’s willing executioners As the world commemorates the Holocaust as part of the UN-designated International Remembrance Day; now is the time to consider what makes Palestinian Arabs so barbaric and so hateful of Jews and Israelis that they have no reservations stabbing and murdering infants, children, women and men as they…
DetailsBy DEBKAFILE— US President Barack Obama has retracted on his pledge of an extra defense package to compensate Israel for the damage caused its security by the nuclear deal concluded with Iran last year. This flat refusal, reported here by DEBKAfile’s Washington sources, confronted Israeli officials when they met last week with heads of the…
DetailsBy Lahav Harkov, JPost— Several figures on the Israeli Right have recently backed US Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who is running for the Republican nomination for US president. While there is no polling data on the matter, support for Rubio seems to be a trend in the Israeli Right and among its supporters. J.…
DetailsBy Richard Baehr, Israel Hayom— The Iowa caucuses served their usual function in winnowing down the field of candidates to a more manageable number, and a smaller number of realistic possibilities for the nomination. On the Democratic side, barring an indictment for her private server issues with classified information sent and received, former Secretary of…
Details“Israel’s founding ethos, anchored in its declaration of independence, guarantees freedom of religion and conscience while safeguarding the holy places of all religions. Such is the case with every church, monastery and holy site in the country, many of which have been rebuilt and refurbished in recent years by the state of Israel.”—Former Congressman Senator…
DetailsThink on this: “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will award to on that day — and not only to me, but also tall all who have longed for his appearing.” (his revenant) (II Timothy 4:8) Pray on this: Father, keep our spiritual eyes…
DetailsTorah: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18, “Mishpateem” (Judgments … ) Haftorah: II Kings 12:1 – 17 New Testament: Romans 6:15 – 23 Gospel: Matthew 17:1- 9, “Vehishtaknah” (And he was transfigured … )
DetailsBy Susan Michael, Intl. Christian Embassy Jerusalem— Why do hundreds of millions of Christians around the world stand with Israel? There is no one answer. The truth of the matter is that the bond between Christians and Israel is as multifaceted as it is strong. Theologically, Christian Zionism is the belief that in the Abrahamic…
DetailsBy Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— We are living in a time when the fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecy, uniting Arabs and the West against Israel, is headline news. Signs that Western Europe is cooperating with Arab demands for a state in the midst of Israel are becoming commonplace. When the UN General Assembly…
DetailsBy JCPA.ORG— Twelve principles of American Jewish political practice are introduced here as a way to provide a roadmap to understand the nature and character of the Jewish community in this election year. Jews provide significant financial support to both political parties and to many candidates. Some analysts project that as much as 50% of…
DetailsBy Shmuley Boteach, The Algemeiner— It’s already been established that one of Hillary Clinton’s most trusted advisers, Sid Blumenthal, sent her dozens of anti-Israel articles, ideas and pieces of advice during her time as secretary of state. But the stream of anti-Israel advice received by Hillary was much more comprehensive than that which came from…
Details“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” -Genesis 12:2
DetailsBy Shlomo Cesana, Israel Hayom— Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold tells gathering in Jerusalem of Israeli ambassadors from around the world: Iran is more dangerous that Islamic State group • Israel has no desire to become involved in Syria conflict, Gold reiterates. Israel will never leave the Golan Heights, no matter what diplomatic settlement is…