The story behind the initiative

by Debkafile Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s remarks Sunday, Sept. 5, that an Israeli-Palestinian peace would not come this year or even in the next generation, infuriated some political circles in Jerusalem. The opposition accused him of breaking ranks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ahead of the second round of his direct talks with Palestinian Authority…


The same old Netanyahu

by David Isaac, In her recent column in The Jerusalem Post, “The New Netanyahu?”, Caroline Glick writes, “The most distressing aspect of Netanyahu’s enthusiastic participation in a process the Israeli public rationally opposes is that it is him doing it.” Caroline Glick, today’s most insightful columnist on the subject of Israel, has been uncharacteristically slow…


What Glen Beck can teach Israel

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post On August 28, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck confounded his colleagues in the media when he brought hundreds of thousands of Americans to the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC for a rally he called “Restoring Honor.” While former Alaska governor Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker,…


Palestinian mortar targets Israeli kindergarten

by AFP Palestinian militants fired a mortar round from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday narrowly missing a kindergarten in a kibbutz in southern Israel, the military said, as Jews prepared to mark their New Year. There were no casualties or damage from the mortar fire against the collective settlement several kilometres (a few miles) from…


Iran possesses 2.8 tons of uranium

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz 7 Iran continues to snub the United Nations and has produced 2.8 tons of enriched uranium, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported Monday. Iran previously enriched uranium to a five percent grade, but increased the purification level to nearly 20 percent last February. U.S. President Obama has claimed that…


Oren: Israel is offering gestures, not a freeze extension

by Hilary Leila Krieger Israel is offering the Palestinians gestures in place of extending the settlement moratorium in hopes of keeping them in peace negotiations once the freeze expires, Israel’s top US envoy said Friday. Both Israelis and Palestinians are anxious to avoid being blamed for sabotaging direct talks which started just Thursday. Palestinian Authority…


Blame game on the horizon

by Moshe Arens, Haaretz This time it’s not going to be deja vu. The negotiations between Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas, promoted and orchestrated by Barack Obama, will not be anything like the negotiations that took place during sixteen years, successively, between Yitzhak Rabin, Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, on the Israeli side, and Yasser Arafat. Arafat…


Israel concedes Jerusalem before negotiations even begin

by Aaron Klein, World Net Daily Ahead of the start of today’s Mideast summit in Washington, the Israeli government publicly conceded sections of Jerusalem will become part of a Palestinian state while holy sites would be governed by a “special regime.” Speaking in an interview with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, Defense Minister Ehud Barak outlined a…
