In Trump’s inaugural address here’s the one word no American should miss

By Bill Whalen, Fox News— As I readied for President Donald Trump’s inaugural address, thoughts of James K. Polk came to mind. Not that America’s 45th and 11th chief executives are peas in a personality pod. Trump has long thrived on an oversized existence; Polk was a grind who didn’t like to socialize (“No president…


Pat’s skies. Commemorating The Spirit of Love

By Inna Rogatchi (C) Introduction to the Shining Souls. Champions of Humanity Inaugural Exhibition at The European Parliament  – Specially for The JerUSAlem Connection Report Among the thirty works inaugurated at the special exhibition at The European Parliament in January 2017, there is one about which I would like to say a few words for…


As Trump looks to move embassy, a Mideast expert puts out a plan of action

By Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel— If President-elect Donald Trump follows through on his campaign pledge to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he should do it quickly and adeptly, according to a report by a prominent Middle East scholar. The paper to be released Tuesday by Robert Satloff, who heads the Washington…


Over 100 Congressional Republicans sign call for Trump to move embassy to Jerusalem

By Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel— A large delegation of House Republicans is preparing to pressure US President-elect Donald Trump to follow through on a campaign pledge to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In a letter to be sent to the incoming president, which is currently being circulated to garner more…


Nikki Haley blasts UN on anti-Israel bias, funding during confirmation hearing

By Fox News— South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley was on offense Wednesday during her confirmation hearing to become United Nations ambassador, blasting the U.N. for its treatment of Israel and taking a tough line against Russia. Haley, during her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also questioned the disproportionate funding the U.N. receives from…


Vote to annex huge Judean city on Sunday

By Breaking Israel News— On Sunday, the Israeli government ministerial committee on legislation, chaired by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Habayit Hayehudi), will debate a proposed bill applying Israeli civil law in the city of Ma’ale Adumim, located roughly four miles east of Jerusalem. The location of both Ma’ale Adumin and Jerusalem, at the narrow center…


Trump team plans ‘announcement’ on Israel embassy move

By Michael Wilner, JPost— The incoming Trump administration plans to reveal whether it will proceed with relocating America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in the coming days, incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on Thursday. In a press conference one day before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Spicer told journalists to “stay…


Trump UN Envoy pick slams settlements resolution as ‘the ultimate low’

By Michael Wilner, JPost— President elect Donald Trump’s choice for ambassador to the UN vowed Wednesday a sharp pivot in US policy at the international body, questioning its bias against Israel and its inability to address the world’s most pressing crises. At her Senate confirmation hearing, Nikki Haley, who currently serves as South Carolina’s governor,…


Does Pope and Abbas Meeting Fulfill End of Days Prophecy of Ishmael and Esau’s Alliance?

By Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— This past Saturday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Pope Francis in Rome, indicating that one of the surest signs of the End of Days – an alliance between Ishmael and Esau – is nearer than ever. According to a medieval Jewish Bible commentary known as…


The Pitiable, Pathetic Paris Peace Parley

BY SHMULEY BOTEACH, JPost— Under pressure, it seems, by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to call a “peace” conference in the last five days of the Obama presidency that neither Israel nor the Palestinians even bothered to show up at, they quickly faced the spectacle of farce. The anti-Israel, anti-settlement declaration…


Trump says he’ll tap ‘natural talent’ Kushner to broker Mideast peace

By Times of Israel— President-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that he intends to use his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner to try to broker an elusive peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Speaking to The Times of London and Germany’s Bild just days before his inauguration, Trump “confirmed that he would appoint Jared Kushner, his…


Foreign Ministry chief chalks up Paris conference as win for Israel

By Alexander Fulbright, Times of Israel— Irael’s new Foreign Ministry chief on Monday hailed the lackluster outcome of Sunday’s Paris peace conference as a victory for Israel, saying Israel’s decision not to show up sent a message to the international community. Director General Yuval Rotem took over as head of the Foreign Ministry at the…


Sweeping away the refuge of lies (Isaiah 28:16-17)

By Avner Boskey, Final Frontier Ministries— Yesterday (Sunday January 15, 2017) in the early evening a rooster crowed in Paris. A small droplet of victory fell from Heaven. The “Conférence pour la Paix au Proche-Orient” (Conference for Peace in the Near East) decided not to approve its original detailed pre-conference communiqué which would have been…
