‘Anti-Zionism is a new form of anti-Semitism,’ French leader says

By Shlomo Cesana, Associated Press and Israel Hayom Staff French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday denounced France’s collaboration in the Holocaust, lashing out at those who negate or minimize the country’s role in sending tens of thousands of Jews to their deaths. He also condemned anti-Zionism as a new form of anti-Semitism and vowed to…


White House Strongly Defends Israel After Temple Mount Killings

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz The world’s reaction was mixed after three armed Palestinians murdered two Druze Israeli policemen on the Temple Mount on Friday, with some countries and leaders decrying the violence while others chose to condemn Israel for closing the compound as a security measure. At around 7 AM on Friday, three Palestinian terrorists…


New bill takes Jerusalem off negotiating table

By Abra Forman, BIN— Legislation preventing the division of Jerusalem in a possible peace deal is advancing through the Knesset, making it increasingly unlikely that the holy city will become a Palestinian capital in the future. Nicknamed the “United Jerusalem Bill”, the bill was approved on Sunday morning by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation, allowing…


Jerusalem On Edge After Police Officers Murdered at Temple Mount

By Israel Today— There was bolstered security in and around Jerusalem’s Old City just days after two Border Police officers were shot dead by Muslim terrorists following prayers atop the Temple Mount. Recently, Jordan, which administers the Temple Mount, complained about Israel installing metal detectors at the entrances to the holy site. So, Israel removed…


Netanyahu reads from Bible to prove Hebron’s tomb of patriarchs is Jewish

By Aryeh Savir, WorldIsraelNews— Netanyahu read from the Bible to demonstrate that UNESCO’s resolution on Hebron negated religion, history and the facts. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu read passages from the Bible during Sunday’s weekly Cabinet meeting as a refutation of Friday’s resolution passed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage…


It’s Time for the U.S. to Stop Paying for Palestinian Terrorism

By Sander Gerber and Noah Pollak, Tablet— Congress, through a bill called the Taylor Force Act, is attempting to address a serious problem that has gone unchecked for decades: The Palestinian Authority is using western aid money to pay salaries and benefits to terrorists and their families, including to terrorists who have killed Americans. These…


Netanyahu warns against Iranian move-in amid ceasefire in southwest Syria

By JPost— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that a ceasefire plan that took effect at noon in southwestern Syria should not allow for a vacuum to be filled by Iran and its proxies in the area near the border with Israel. Netanyahu added that Israel would welcome a genuine ceasefire in Syria, but…
