Gorka: ‘Liberal elements’ of US Jewry ‘basically anti-Israeli’

By JTA— The “liberal elements” of the American Jewish community have “basically become anti-Israeli,” former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka said in a radio interview. Appearing Tuesday on the talk show of conservative host Michael Savage, Gorka also complained of a “smear campaign” by the Forward, the Jewish news site that reported on his ties…


Friedman to ‘post’: US, Israel of ‘same mind’

By Yaakov Katz, Herb Keinon, JPost— The US and Israel are “of the same mind” when it comes to opposition to any Iranian military presence in Syria, US Ambassador David Friedman told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview this week. Friedman, in his first wide-ranging interview with the Israeli media since taking up his…


Trump Officials, Netanyahu Renew Talks on Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

By Abra Forman, BIN— President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoys and Israeli officials renewed discussion of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in high-level meetings last week, the Times of Israel reported Sunday. In the region for another push to restart peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, White House adviser and…


Rainer Mahlamäki’s Requiem. Astounding Vision of the Siege of Leningrad by the Finnish Architects.

By Dr Inna Rogatchi ©. My family is related to the Second World directly and by many layers. My great-aunt had been murdered with her family in Ukraine in 1941. Both of my grandfathers were fighting, one in the army, the other one was responsible for a non-stop production of the special steel for the…


Antifa joins BDS! What could possibly go wrong?

By Olivier Melnick, NewAntisemitism— There is currently in America a political, social and racial polarization that is reaching levels of animosity never reached before. The source for this dramatic polarization is highly debated depending on what side of the fence you position yourself. Trump supporters blame the previous administration and democrats blame the new President.…



By Herb Keinon, JPOST– Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerged from a three-hour discussion with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday saying that Iran seeks the “Lebanonization” of Syria, something Israel cannot tolerate. Netanyahu, who held a conference call with Israeli reporters after the meeting, said just as Iran took control of Lebanon through its proxy…


Blacklist of Hate Groups Lumps Christian NGOs With KKK and Neo-Nazis

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, BIN— A prominent civil-rights organization just published its annual list of hate groups, lumping right-wing and religious groups with neo-Nazis and the KKK. The list has caused damage to several non-profit charitable organizations and has been labeled as fraudulent by many, but is still used as the standard for judging an…


Christian Zionism and a positive relationship with Jews and Judaism

By Faydra Shapiro, JPost— In response to the racist and antisemitic events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia recently, the media has done a great deal of virtue signaling, sometimes even accompanied by thoughtful reporting and discussion. One well-known media outlet, however, made a terribly irresponsible choice, and it’s one we need to talk about.…
