Christian Archaeologist Attacked by Palestinian Authority in their Legal Battle Against Biblical Archaeology

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News—- The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Bible last week in a case brought by the Palestinian Authority in which they tried to have archaeology in Judea and Samaria declared a crime. Undeterred, the PA turned to UNESCO to intervene while threatening archaeologists around the world…


Dangerous to wear a kippah in public, Germany’s anti-Semitism czar says

By Toby Axelrod, JTA— It is dangerous to identify publicly as Jewish in Germany, including wearing a kippah, Germany’s commissioner on anti-Semitism said. In a wide-ranging interview, Felix Klein told the Berliner Morgenpost on May 24 that he could not recommend that Jews wear a kippah everywhere and any time in Germany. He also said…


Amid coalition row, Lieberman warns Israel could be ‘on its way to elections’

By Yehuda Shlezinger , i24NEWS and Israel Hayom Staff— Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman said on Friday that Israel might be “on its way to elections” after his party refused to join a coalition due to a disagreement over the haredi draft law. Speaking to Israel’s Channel 13, the secular-nationalist Yisrael Beytenu party leader said…


Jewry’s largest denomiation — and its most liberal — is embracing Al Sharpton

By Jonathan Tobin, Jewish World Review—- If the Rev. Al Sharpton were truly willing to repent for his past as a race-baiter and inciter of anti-Semitic violence, then having him speak at a Jewish event titled a “Consultation on Conscience” might be a good idea. Perhaps that’s what the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism…


Olympics Committee Criticized For Removing Golan From Israeli Map

By JPost— Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev sent a strongly worded letter to the European Olympics Committee regarding their map of Israel, which doesn’t include the Golan Heights or West Bank. “From the point of view of the Israeli Government, Judea and Samaria (otherwise known as the West Bank) constitute an inseparable part…


Netanyahu asks for international help as huge fires force evacuation of 3,500

By Jacob Magid and TOI Staff— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed the Foreign Ministry to reach out to nearby countries for “immediate” assistance in putting out the hundreds of fires that were ravaging the country Thursday evening, destroying dozens of houses and forcing the evacuation of some 3,500 from their homes. Later, the Foreign Ministry…


One Year Later, the U.S. Embassy Move

By Evelyn Gordon, JNS The first anniversary of the U.S. embassy’s move to Jerusalem sparked multiple articles in the Israeli press declaring it a failure for both U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. From the left-wing Ha’aretz to the centrist Times of Israel, headlines trumpeted the fact that only one minor…


The Groups Who Hand AntiSemites their Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card

By Melanie Phillips— What has caused the deeply alarming upsurge in antisemitism across the West? As many have observed, there are three principal sources: the political left, Islamic culture and neo-fascist or white-supremacist cults. One further factor, though, is crucial. Never disappearing altogether, antisemitism can be kept to a low level by condign social disapproval…
