From Puritan Zionism to a Christmasy Hanukkah for Jerusalem

By Mark Musser, American Thinker— In between Thanksgiving and Christmas, President Trump gave to the nation of Israel perhaps one of the biggest Christmas gifts of all time: the long awaited recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. While Israel has never seen it any other way, the nations of the world have been…


Trump administration to snap ties with Palestinians, no peace plan, no more monetary aid

By Debkafile— The White House has decided to quietly withdraw from all its ties with the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas. DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources report that the Trump administration has resolved to scrap all ties with the Palestinian leadership in retaliation for its campaign against US President Donald Trump and his Jerusalem policy. Several…


Jewish Family Gives Christmas Miracle After Remembering How Christians Helped Jews in Holocaust

By Jeannie Law , Christian Post— A Jewish family from Connecticut gave 2,200 needy kids in New York City a Christmas miracle this year despite not celebrating the holiday because they remembered the Christians who risked their lives for Jews during the Holocaust. According to the NY Post, Toys for Tots, a United States Marine Corps program,…


Israel to withdraw from UNESCO, following US

By Itamar Eichner, YNET News— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday instructed Israel’s representative at UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen to submit to the organization’s newly appointed Director-General Audrey Azoulay an official, written announcement of Israel’s departure from the organization. Israel would join the United States, which in October pulled out from the United Nations Educational, Scientific…


Turkey’s Erdogan Calls on United States to Step Back from Jerusalem Move

By Reuters— Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called on Friday for the United States to step back from its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after the United Nations voted against the move despite what he called “ugly and unforgivable” US threats. More than 120 countries defied President Donald Trump on Thursday and voted in…


Israeli Papers See Victory in Seeming Defeat at UN General Assembly

By Israel Today— As anyone could have predicted, the UN General Assembly on Thursday voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution effectively condemning the United States for daring to recognize the obvious – that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. Nevertheless, Israeli officials and newspapers were able to find more than a silver lining.…


US Defense Secretary says ‘storm clouds are gathering’ over Korean Peninsula

By Clark Mindock, Independant— *Note the Israel-America Flag Pin on Mattis in the Photo! Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has urged American soldiers to be ready for anything, saying that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean Peninsula. Mr Mattis stopped short of forecasting any real armed conflict between the United States and North Korea, but…


128 Nations Thumb Nose at Trump’s Jerusalem Recognition

By Bob Unruh, World Net Daily— A total of 128 United Nations members thumbed their collective nose at the United States Thursday, voting to condemn President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as U.S. law has mandated for two decades. Trump warned before the vote that it could affect U.S. aid. The U.S.,…


Media Baffled as Trump Asks Ben Carson to Lead Cabinet Meeting in Prayer

By Brandon Showwalter, Christian Post— Some in the media appeared baffled by an “unusual” prayer during a Cabinet meeting that HUD Secretary Ben Carson said at President Trump’s request shortly after Congress finalized a sweeping tax reform bill Wednesday. President Trump asked Carson to begin a Cabinet meeting with a prayer Wednesday morning, inviting journalists…


‘I wonder why Israel even stays in the UN’

By David Rosenberg, Arutz 7— Representatives of 193 United Nations member states gathered at General Assembly emergency session Thursday to vote on a controversial proposed resolution targeting Israel and tacitly condemning American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. On December 6th, President Donald Trump announced that he was reversing decades of US policy vis-à-vis…


Messianic Lite: Vayigash, “and he drew near.”

This week’s Parashah covers Genesis 44:18 to 47:27. After 22 years of separation, Joseph and his brothers draw near to each other. After the brothers pass Joseph’s tricky tests of their moral character, he reveals himself to them as the brother they thought was dead. He forgives them, assuring them that everything that happened was…


Ahead of Jerusalem vote, PM slams UN as ‘house of lies

By Yoni Hersch, Mati Tuchfeld, Dan Lavie, Itsik Saban, Associated Press and Israel Hayom Staff Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday described the United Nations as a “house of lies” ahead of a vote on a draft resolution calling on the United States to withdraw its Dec. 6 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. “Jerusalem is…


Smells like heaven: Israeli farm recreates Magi’s gifts to Jesus

By Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff— The aromatic plants bestowed on the infant Jesus are being cultivated by an Israeli entrepreneur who aims to transform the gifts of the Christmas story into therapeutic balms and incense. Manger aside, the baby Jesus may have been swaddled in pleasant and pricey fragrances, thanks to the presents that…


Not Just Jerusalem: Why America’s Rabbis Voted Trump and Don’t Regret It

By Rabbi Yaakov Menken, American Thinker— Yes, you read correctly. America’s rabbis voted for Donald Trump. Given the common belief that Jews are liberal, this may come as a surprise to many. But not only do Orthodox Jews (the traditionally observant) have very different political leanings from their more liberal brethren, but they now encompass…
