"Settlements" are on solid ground

By DANI DAYAN, THE GUARDIAN— Catherine Ashton, the EU’s high representative for foreign affairs, is a vocal critic of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria. Referring to them as “settlements”, she claimed last week that they “threaten to make a two-state solution impossible” and called on Israel “to immediately end all settlement activities beyond…


Shame on Germany for boycotting Jews

By MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— In a throwback to its darkest past, the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by…


New Palestinian PM signals return to days of Arafat

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas this week appointed a new Palestinian Authority prime minister to take the place of the ousted Salam Fayyad, a respected, US-educated economist that the international community fought long and hard to keep in the position. The new Palestinian prime minister is Rami Hamdallah, a mild-mannered academic…


Abbas: No peace without J'lem as Palestinian capital

By KHALED ABU TOAMEH, JPOST— Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared Wednesday that there would be no peace or a Palestinian state without Jerusalem as the capital of that state. “We won’t accept any city other than Jerusalem as our capital,” Abbas said during a speech at a conference on Jerusalem in Ramallah. “The responsibility…


Congressmen urge US to move embassy to Jerusalem

By THE EMET REPORT — The heads of the bipartisan Congressional Israel Allies Caucus on Tuesday urged the Obama administration to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. “We strongly believe that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of Israel with no waivers and no caveats,” said Congressman Doug Lamborn, in an event…


Large US Marine force lands in Aqaba to deploy on Jordanian-Syrian border

By DEBKAfile,   Exclusive Report — A large American military force disembarked Tuesday, June 4, at the southern Jordanian port of Aqaba – ready for deployment on the kingdom’s Syrian border, debkafile’s exclusive military sources report. The force made its way north along the Aqaba-Jerash-Ajilon mountain road bisecting Jordan from south to north, under heavy Jordanian…


Samantha Power, Obama's pick as America's Ambassador to the UN, will fit right in

By ED LASKY, AMERICAN THINKER— Samantha Power has been a notorious critic of Israel for years and that, naturally, makes her well-qualified under President Obama’s criteria to serve in such a crucial post. She will be welcomed with open arms at the United Nations. We at American Thinker have been warning about her influence with…


Reform Rabbi Eric Yoffie and his Jew-Hating Friends

By PAM GELLER, ARUTZ 7— After the Jerusalem Post ran a vicious defamatory article by the uber-left Rabbi Yoffie,  President of the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ), I submitted a response to his unchallenged and unsubstantiated libel to Post Editor-in-Chief Steve Linde. Linde bounced me to Sara Miller, Managing Editor of JPost.com, who procrastinated and…


A Palestinian Arab State / A Palestinian Arab People? They Never Existed!

By EARL COX,  JPOST — Prime Minister Netanyahu is being pressured from all sides, and especially the Obama Administration, to restart peace talks and give up Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state. The pleas come shrouded in willful ignorance that there is no true Arab Palestinian people, and the Arabs making the demands are…
