Trump’s Peace Plan Reported: Four Neighborhoods in Jerusalem as PA Capital

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— On Friday morning it was reported that US President Trump’s plan for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) was revealed to Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman during his visit to Washington last week. According to the report, Israel will be called upon to relinquish…


Iran Threatens the United States of America

By Avi Abelow, Israel Unwired— President Trump must decide by May 12th whether to cancel the Iran nuclear deal or to renegotiate critical changes that Obama left out. Iran wants neither option. In response, Iran is threatening the United States with serious “consequences”. Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif today issued a serious…


World Fumes Over Abbas’s Antisemitism

By Tovah Lazaroff, JPOST— Even Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s diplomatic friends condemned him. Friends and foes alike blasted Abbas as an “antisemite” and a “Holocaust denier,” after he charged that the Nazis killed Jews in the Holocaust because they were money lenders. “The Holocaust did not occur in a vacuum, it was the result…


Jordan as Palestine: A paradigm shift for a two-state solution

By Moshe Dann, JNS— The problem with “the two-state solution”—creating a sovereign independent Palestinian state west of the Jordan River—is that a Palestinian state already exists east of the Jordan River; it’s called Jordan. Its population is predominantly “Palestinian,” and it is located in the eastern part of what was once called “Palestine.” Demographically and…


Netanyahu to Address Country with “Dramatic News about Iran”

The seventh annual Jerusalem Post Conference commences Sunday at the Marriott Times Square Hotel in New York. The day-long event features notable Israeli and American speakers, including politicians, leaders and celebrities. Speakers include Ministers Avigdor Liberman, Gilad Erdan, Gila Gamliel, Yoav Gallant, Tzachi Hanegbi and Israel Katz, along with former prime minister Ehud Olmert, in his…


Israeli Source: Trump Will Unveil Peace Plan After Embassy Move

By Benjamin Kerstein, Algemeiner— President Donald Trump will unveil his long-gestating peace plan after the U.S. opens its new embassy in Jerusalem, an Israeli source stated on Saturday. Media reports have indicated that Trump’s plan is finished, but until now there have been no indications as to when it might be made public. Israel’s Channel…


Multi million Dollar Building For Christians and Jews Planned Next to U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

By Breaking Israel News— The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (“The Fellowship”) is breaking ground on its new Jerusalem headquarters, a multi-million dollar building that will provide a home in the Holy Land for visiting Christians. In the context of what has become known as “the golden age for Jewish-Christian relations,” the new center…


Haley: Hamas using ‘children as cannon fodder’ in Gaza

By Times of Israel Staff— The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, lashed out at Hamas Thursday, accusing the Palestinian terror group of “using children as cannon fodder,” following the deaths of dozens of people in clashes with Israeli forces during protests along with border in the Gaza Strip. “Anyone who truly cares…


‘I May Go’ To Jerusalem Embassy Opening, Trump Says

By Michael Wilner, JPost— US President Donald Trump told reporters on Friday that he might travel to Israel for the opening of a new US embassy there, located in Jerusalem. “I may go,” the president said. “Very proud of it.” Administration officials have previously said it was unlikely that Trump would lead the delegation, and…


12,000 Israelis Sing ‘Al Kol Eleh’

By Jerusalem Post— One president, 40 musicians and 12,000 singers. Those were the ingredients for an unforgettable music video released on Monday ahead of Israel’s 70th anniversary. President Reuven Rivlin, together with singer Shlomi Shabat, Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai, Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel and the social-music initiative Koolulam, hosted an event last week…
