Could Temple Mount Violence Affect Embassy Move?

By Stewart Ain, Jewish Week Media Group— The deadly Palestinian protests that erupted in Jerusalem following the installation of magnetometers at the entrance to the Temple Mount should give the Trump administration pause. “If magnetometers produced this kind of reaction, what reaction will there be to moving the American embassy to Jerusalem?” asked Aaron David…


Days of Israel fires back, tells Erdogan: Ottoman Empire is so yesterday

By JNS— The Israeli government shot back at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s fiery statements regarding the Temple Mount, telling the Turkish leader that the days of the Ottoman Empire are over. In a speech to the Turkish parliament Tuesday, Erdogan accused Israel of “using the fight against terrorism as a pretext to take Al-Aqsa…


77% of Israelis see removal of metal detectors on Temple Mount as capitulation

By Elior Levy, Yael Friedson, Ynetnews— The majority of Israelis think the removal of the metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount constitutes a capitulation by the Israeli government, according to a Channel 2 News poll published on Tuesday. Seventy-seven percent of participants responded “yes” to the question whether the removal of metal…


JTA: ZOA Calls On Secy/State Tillerson to Resign Over Israel-Hating Report On Terrorism

By ZOA— The Zionist Organization of America called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to resign over the State Department terrorism report that the ZOA called “bigoted, biased, anti-Semitic, Israel-hating (and) error-ridden.” “This Tillerson State Department Report blames Israel for Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks on innocent Jews and Americans, ignores and whitewashes the Palestinian Authority’s…


Where is Trump on Temple Mount crisis?

By Michael Wilner, JPost— Sending off several tweetstorms over the weekend addressing the domestic crises surrounding him, the ever-loquacious Donald Trump remained uncharacteristically silent on a brewing crisis between Israel and the Palestinians, even as deaths began to mount on both sides. A senior administration official tells The Jerusalem Post that Trump “utterly condemns” the…


World Council of Churches Sends Message of Support For Palestinian ‘Campaign For Jerusalem’

By DEBORAH DANAN, Breitbart— TEL AVIV – The World Council of Churches (WCC) officially endorsed the Palestinian “campaign for Jerusalem,” saying that Israel’s recent move installing additional security measures at the Temple Mount following a terror attack there was a “corrosive act in the midst of an already-fragile peace.” “Keeping the historical status quo and supporting equal rights…


California Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon

By JOEL B. POLLAK, Breitbart The video of Shahin’s sermon was posted to the Islamic Center of Davis’s YouTube channel on Friday (Update: the video has since been removed), and translated and excerpted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), though portions of the sermon were delivered in English. The topic of the sermon was the ongoing controversy at the…


World Council of Churches Endorses Palestinian Protests Over Temple Mount Security Measures

By Ben Cohen, Algemeiner— The World Council of Churches (WCC) has declared its support for the Palestinian campaign against Israeli control of Jerusalem’s holy sites, describing new Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount as a “corrosive act in the midst of an already-fragile peace.” “Keeping the historical status quo and supporting equal rights for…


A politically incorrect diagnosis

By Yoram Ettinger, Israel Hayom— Political correctness suggests that the resolution of the Palestinian issue is ‎predicated on a dramatic Israeli land concession and the establishment of a ‎Palestinian state: the two-state solution.‎ Moreover, political correctness has subordinated Middle East reality and long-‎term national security to the achievement of the holy grail of peaceful ‎coexistence…


Israeli Sovereignty Over the Temple Mount Is Crucial for Peace

By Hillel Frisch BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 539, July 24, 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Regardless of its direct security merits, Israel’s decision to place metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount has been transformed by adversaries and Israel alike into an issue of sovereignty over the Temple Mount. Power-sharing there has always constituted a…


Hamas leader praises ‘heroic’ terrorist who killed 3 Israelis

By Israel Hayom— The leader of Hamas, the Islamic terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip, on Sunday praised the Palestinian terrorist who stabbed three Israelis to death in their Samaria home on Friday evening. Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya, 46, and son Elad, 36, were murdered in the family home in Halamish, northwest…
