The Democrats’ Israel problem

By NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE— This is an exceptionally dangerous time for Israel. Iran is driving toward a nuclear bomb, and has pledged to wipe Israel off the map. The Muslim Brotherhood has taken power in Egypt. The new president, Mohamed Morsi, cannot bring himself to utter the word “Israel.” The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, signed in…


J'Accuse- Shame on Germany for circumcision ban

By ALAN DERSHOWITZ, GATESTONE— Why do countries with long histories of anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry seem to care more about the so-called rights of young children not to be circumcised than do other countries in the world with far better histories of concern for human rights? The same rhetorical question can be asked…


New Democratic Party Platform Betrays Israel

By JOSEPH KLEIN, FRONTPAGE— Despite some introductory bromides proclaiming the “unshakable commitment” of President Obama and the Democratic Party to Israel’s security, the 2012 Democratic National Platform, titled “Moving America Forward,” mirrors perfectly President Obama’s decision to turn his back on our closest ally in the Middle East. It represents a radical break with prior…


'Response to Syrian WMDs use would be huge'

By REUTERS— Any use of chemical or bacterial weapons by government forces in Syria would trigger a “massive and lightning fast” response from the West, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Monday. “We talk about this, in particular with our American and British partners, and follow it closely on a day-to-day basis. “Our response…


What the 2012 Election Means for Israel

By DANIEL PIPES— “President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus.” That’s what Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for president, said in the high-profile speech accepting his party’s nomination last week, repeating a slang phrase for sacrificing a friend for selfish reasons. Romney had deployed this phrase before, for example in May 2011 and…


Israel: Clear 'red line' would lessen chance of Iran conflict

By ISRAEL HAYOM— Clearer red lines drawn by the international community on Iran’s nuclear aspirations would diminish the chances of a conflict, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday in a possible signal that Israel and the U.S. are aligning their positions on Iran. The remark followed recent reports of disagreements between the two countries…


The 'deterrence works' fantasy

By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, JPOST— There are few foreign-policy positions more silly than the assertion without context that “deterrence works.” It is like saying air power works. Well, it worked for Kosovo; it didn’t work over North Vietnam. It’s like saying city-bombing works. It worked in Japan 1945 (Tokyo through Nagasaki). It didn’t in the London…


'Iran must steer clear of US interests in Gulf'

By SHIMON SHIFFER, YNET— The United States has sent a message to Iran, via two European nations, saying that it will not back an independent Israeli strike against the country’s nuclear facilities as long as Tehran refrains from attacking American interests in the Persian Gulf, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. According to the report, Washington has…


US disowns Israel over Iran strike: No weapons or military backup

By DEBKAfile, Exclusive Analysis,  — US Gen. Martin Dempsey’s assertion Thursday, Aug. 30 that the US would not be “complicit” in an Israel strike against Iran, together with the drastic reduction in the scale of next month’s joint US-Israeli war game disclosed by TIME, add up to a blunt message from US President Barack Obama…
