Unesco Declares Hebron’s Core as Palestinian World Heritage Site

By ISABEL KERSHNER, NY TIMES— Unesco, the United Nations cultural organization, declared the ancient and hotly contested core of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank as a Palestinian World Heritage site in danger on Friday, despite a concerted diplomatic effort by Israel and the United States to scuttle the decision. The Palestinian Authority administers most…


‘Hold cabinet meeting at Tomb of Patriarchs’

By Hezki Baruch, Arutz 7— Chairman Avi Roeh of the Yesha Council of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and Secretary-General Ze’ev (Zambish) Hever of the Amana housing organization which develops Judea and Samaria communities, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu inviting the Prime Minister and cabinet ministers to hold a cabinet…


How Christian Zionists can solve the Western Wall crises

BY TULY WEISZ, NAPHTALI “TULY” WEISZ, Israel 365— Progressive American Jews are up in arms about the latest crisis regarding egalitarian prayer access to the Western Wall. Jewish groups are considering boycotts, canceling trips and in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio, the Jewish Federation threatened to “reconsider” funding to Israel as a result. “We are…


The erosion of Jewish identity in America

By Matthew M. Hausman, Arutz 7— American non-Orthodox Jews today are less religiously and ethnically grounded than their grandparents and more likely to define Jewishness in secular or political terms. They are also more likely to assimilate and intermarry and to view those who do both as positive role models. Not surprisingly, they tend to…


Four Outrages In UNESCO’s Anti-Israel Resolution on Jerusalem

By AARON KLEIN, Breitbart-— The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Tuesday passed a highly biased anti-Israel resolution regarding Jerusalem’s Old City and its ancient walls. Below, in no particular order, are four outrages inside the brief text of the Jordanian-sponsored resolution, affirmed by the UN body’s World Heritage Council: 1 –…


The next Middle East war

By Clifford D. May, Washington Times— Eleven years ago this month, Israel went to war with Hezbollah, Iran’s Lebanon-based Shi’a proxy militia. The fighting began when Hezbollah fired rockets at Israeli villages and missiles at Israeli armored vehicles patrolling the border. Three Israeli soldiers were killed. Two were kidnapped and taken into Lebanon. They would…


Israel Blasts UNESCO for Latest Resolution Declaring Jerusalem “Occupied”

By Tazpit Press Service— Israel blasted UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee for calling the country an “occupying power” in Jerusalem and condemning “all legislative and administrative measures and actions” that have “altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City.” “No faux ‘heritage committee’ can sever the bonds between our people and Jerusalem,”…


Liberal American Jewish leaders demand “full representation without taxation’

By Ron Jager— In recent day’s liberal American Jewish leaders have done everything in their power to portray the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and his ruling coalition as purposely causing significant harm to the strong alliance between diaspora Jewry and the State of Israel. These leaders have leveled accusations that Netanyahu’s actions constitute…


Netanyahu blocks bill to prevent division of Jerusalem

By LAHAV HARKOV, Jpost— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday blocked controversial legislation that would have made it nearly impossible to divide Jerusalem. The Prime Minister’s Office said Netanyahu, who made the move ahead of a planned Ministerial Committee for Legislation vote, wanted the coalition to reach consensus on what the bill would look like…


Nasrallah Invites the Iranian Shi’ite Legion to the Next War with Israel

By Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Dr. Shimon Shapira, JCPA— In a speech marking al-Quds Day, as established by Ayatollah Khomeini to identify with the Palestinian struggle on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened that in the next war with Israel he would open the borders of Lebanon to tens of…
