Red Alert: What Can We Learn from a Winemaker’s Legacy?

…..more than you could imagine. By Amy Zewe Rachel Lipman of Loew Vineyards and active member of 3GDC joins the July 26, 2023, Jerusalem Connection Red Alert Report to share her family’s story.  Affluent and innovative winemakers in Poland, the Loew family legacy and business were destroyed as Nazis dominated Europe. William Loew, Rachel’s grandfather,…


Bible Fiber: Nehemiah 4

Follow Bible Fiber wherever you listen to your podcasts! Welcome to Bible Fiber. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian organization devoted to sharing the story of the people of Israel, both ancient and modern. This week we are studying Nehemiah 4, an extra dramatic passage that is mined more than…


Red Alert: How is Preserving Life a Great Response to Antisemitism?

Antisemitism is a relatively new word. Prior to the 20th century, the hatred of Jews was often called Jew Hatred (which does the job well in assigning a term to a concept) and anti-Judaism. For centuries, even millennia, throughout the European ages and through the biblical ages before, the drumbeat to snuff out the line…


Red Alert: How Can the Study of Poland’s History Help in Combating Antisemitism?

Over the past 10+ years, our weekly Red Alert videos highlight issues surrounding the anti-Judaism, antisemitism, and antizionism that pervades our culture and society, worldwide.  I discuss the historical underpinnings of the overarching Jew hatred, whose beginnings are documented in the Hebrew Bible and its history recorded through two millennia in Europe. Often anti-Judaism was…


As Happy as God in Paris: Visiting Homeland. Part II 

By Inna Rogatchi LITVAK ARTISTS IN PARIS EXHIBITION IN VILNIUS PART II. CELEBRATIONS & CHAGALL UNIVERSE In a remarkable way, additionally to the feast of Chagall, this exhibition also created three very special celebrations of great artists, Arbit Blatas born Neemia Arbitblatas, Rafael Chwoles and Michel Kikoine. In all three cases, there are not a single or couple of works of…


Red Alert: How can a College Student Combat Antisemitism?

By Amy Zewe— Join us today to hear from Sarah Weiskopf, the Jerusalem Connection’s 2023 Hebrew University Scholarship recipient.  Sarah sends us a message directly from the Holy Land sharing her joy and gratitude for the opportunity to immerse herself in the holy land and all its people.  What better way to combat antisemitism than…
