Historical and archaeological evidence of Jews in Jerusalem

By The Israel Project Modern Israel is the renewal of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, the birthplace of the Jewish people. Archaeological evidence shows that the Jewish people began developing its distinctive religion and culture some 4,000 years ago in Israel. For millennia, the Jewish people have had an unbroken physical presence—whether…


The Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan

“Proximity” talks are the answer. So asserts President Obama’s Middle East Envoy dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former Senator George Mitchell.  Mitchell said “there is no such thing as a conflict that can’t be ended.”  Obviously, this is the mindset as the “Proximity” talks begin between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the whole notion of “Proximity”…


Jewish Donors Outraged by 'Sociopath' Obama, Says Columnist

By Gil Ronen, Israelnationalnews.com If senior journalist David Goldman is right, the correct word for describing the way a growing number of US Jews feel about President Barack Obama is not ‘anger’ but ‘rage’ – white-hot rage, at that, and a conviction that they have been swindled. Goldman, Senior Editor of First Things magazine and…
