Friedman: We’ve thrown $10b at Palestinians; peace isn’t a millimeter closer

By Times of Israel Staff— The United States has “thrown more than $10 billion” in aid to the Palestinians, but that spending has brought the region no closer to peace or stability, the US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman charged Tuesday, in an address explaining why US President Donald Trump thought it was important to…


Red Heifer Birth, Paves Way for Messiah

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Last Tuesday, the Temple Institute’s Red Heifer program was blessed with results; an entirely red female calf was born, paving the way for re-establishing the Temple service and marking the final stage of redemption. Almost three years ago the Temple Institute inaugurated its Raise a Red Heifer in…


Trump’s ‘Peace Process’ Starts by Ending the Fake One

By Caroline Glick, Jpost— President Donald Trump’s decision last week to defund the UN Refugee Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) may not seems as significant as recognizing that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and transferring the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But it is. Both actions involve rejecting myths embedded in the failed peace…


Abbas: Trump Offered US Peace Plan Based on Confederation with Jordan

BY TOVAH LAZAROFF, KHALED ABU TOAMEH, JPost-— The United States presented Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas with a peace deal based on a confederation with Jordan, the Israeli left-wing organization Peace Now reported on Sunday. The group publicized the possibility of a US-led confederation peace plan after it met with the PA leader in Ramallah.…


Why Israelis Shy from Victory

By Daniel Pipes— One day, imagine, a U.S. president tells an Israeli prime minister: “Palestinian extremism damages American security. We need you to end it by achieving victory over the Palestinians. Do what it takes within legal, moral, and practical boundaries.” The president continues: “Impose your will on them, induce a sense of defeat so…


Abbas voices support for tripartite ‘confederation’ with Israel and Jordan

By RAPHAEL AHREN, Times of Israel— Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has voiced interest in a tripartite confederation with Jordan and Israel, in what would appear a dramatic departure from his longstanding insistence on a two-state solution, according to Israeli peace activists and a Palestinian official. According to the dovish Peace Now group, a senior…


Pew’s New Analysis: 42% of US Jews Reject their Religion

By JNI, Breaking Israel News— The Pew Research Center on Wednesday published an analysis of beliefs and behaviors across denominations that identifies important traits that unite people of different religious affiliations—or divide people who share the same affiliation – producing a new and revealing classification of religion in America (The Religious Typology – A new…


Rabbi: “UN is Replacement Theology on Steroids”

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— The United Nations has played a leading role in rewriting history as part of its anti-Israel agenda. A recent editorial in Christian media compared this to replacement theology and one rabbi agreed, noting that pro-Palestinian forces have taken this hated doctrine further than the Church ever had. Brandon Shirkey…
