Armenian genocide and international relations

By HAROUT HARRY SEMERDJIAN, JPost— While the modern-day Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923, eight years after its Ottoman predecessors embarked on a massive and systematic undertaking to rid the empire of its Armenian population, the country today often finds itself in diplomatic spats with various Western nations over its history. Outside the periphery…


Obama at Holocaust museum: 'I’ll be there for Israel'

BY YITZHAK BENHORIN, YNET— In his first appearance as president at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, a solemn President Barack Obama announced on Monday a new crackdown on Iran and Syria and said the world must never again allow hatred to take root into the “madness” of mass atrocities. The president announced new sanctions on…


Suspected cyber attack hits Iran oil industry

BY REUTERS— Iran is investigating a suspected cyber attack on its main oil export terminal and on the Oil Ministry itself, Iranian industry sources said on Monday. A virus was detected inside the control systems of Kharg Island, the country’s largest crude oil export facility, but the terminal remained operational, a source at the National…


When Jews fight back

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Earlier this week, the IDF went viral, but for all the wrong reasons. After Lt.- Col. Shalom Eisner struck a pro-Palestinian Danish protester in the face with his rifle on Saturday, an edited video of the incident was quickly uploaded to the Internet, garnering worldwide attention and condemnation. Not surprisingly, Israel’s…


Obama ready to yield on Iran's nuclear transparency

BY DEBKAFILE— In the direct, secret exchanges between the US and Iran which led up to the Istanbul talks with the six powers, on Saturday, April 14, President Barack Obama quietly backed off from his demand that Iran “come clean” on its nuclear activities and open up to international inspection, Debkafile reports. This concession paved…
