Report: Netanyahu to lead effort in thwarting Obama bid for UN chief

By YASSER OKBI/ MAARIV HASHAVUA, JPOST— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remembers well just how US President Barack Obama brushed aside Israeli objections and went ahead with the P5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran. Now, Netanyahu is reportedly planning some personal payback. According to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida, Netanyahu will make common cause with moderate Arab governments…


It’s too late for a two state solution

By Padraig O’Malley, New Republic— Many obstacles stand in the way of a two-state solution to the conflict in Israel and Palestine. At the moment, negotiations are a nonstarter for all parties. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has only a razor-thin majority in one of the most right-wing Knessets in Israeli history. President Barack Obama…


Upcoming conference to study assault on pro-Israel evangelicals

By Dexter Van Zile,— Evangelical Protestants are part of the backbone of American civil society. Numbering about 90 million people, these Bible-believing Christians have eclipsed mainline Protestants who comprised the Protestant establishment that ruled the roost in the United States in the decades before, during and after World War II. Many elites in the…


Despite rocky history, more and more Christians helping Jews make aliyah

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— The birth of the State of Israel brought with it practical and spiritual implications for the relations between Jews and Christians in ways that were unimaginable to previous generations. The Jewish State rose up from the ashes of the Holocaust and brought with it something entirely new and…


Egypt urges Israel not to normalize ties with Turkey

By Ari Yashar, Arutz 7— Egypt recently contacted Israel requesting clarification over the rapprochement talks Jerusalem is holding with Turkey, it was revealed on Thursday. Senior clerks in Jerusalem told Haaretz on condition of anonymity that the Egyptian government expressed its displeasure with the notion of Turkey being given an official role in Gaza, and…


Palestinian Authority sides with Saudis in Iran spat

By Lee Ganceman, Times of Israel— The Palestinian Authority is standing behind Saudi Arabia in the current political row with Iran, Ramallah’s envoy to the desert kingdom told a leading Arab daily. In an interview Wednesday with the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, Palestinian ambassador Basem Al-Agha said that his government’s position has been clear from…


Anti-Semitic letter sent to officials in New York towns

By Danielle Ziri, Jpost— Police in Rockland County in New York State are investigating the origins of an anti-Semitic letter sent to mayors and other town officials. The one-page letter was sent several times to at least three different towns by fax and reads: “Hassidic and Orthodox Jews are a severe danger to civilized society.…


Arab-Israeli offers money for information on Dizengoff shooter

By Yael Friedson, Ynet News— A cash reward for information that could lead to the capture of Nashat Melhem, the suspect in Friday’s deadly shooting attack in Tel Aviv, was offered on Tuesday by Mazen Qaq, the head of the merchants’ committee in Jerusalem’s Old City. The sum offered stands at NIS 40,000, and comes four…


Iran-Saudi crisis spurs Hizballah strike on Israel

By Debkafile— The heated verbal battle between Tehran and Riyadh over Saudi Arabia’s execution of a Shiite cleric escalated Sunday night, Jan 3, with the severance of diplomatic relations. On the broader front, the repercussions from the quarrel between the two leaders of the Muslim world’s Shia-Sunni split are widely seen in Middle East military…


Dragnet for fugitive Tel Aviv gunman passes its fourth day

By Ben Hartman, JPost— Security remained around Tel Aviv on Monday as the search for a fugitive gunman who shot dead two Israelis in an attack on Dizengoff Street on Friday stretched into a fourth day, with police seeming no closer to finding the suspect. Tel Aviv City Hall said municipal security services had stepped…


‘This isn’t how you treat friends, it’s how you spy against enemies’

By Ronen Bergman— BERLIN – We met on Wednesday in a cafe in Berlin, near the Brandenburg Gate, where preparations were underway for the fireworks display on New Year’s Eve. I can’t reveal his real name, so in this story I will call him “Robert.” He’s a former senior official in the American intelligence community,…
