A Soros Plan, a marginalized Israel

By Eli Lake, Bloomberg— After the election of Barack Obama in 2009, the George Soros organization saw an opportunity to weaken the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in Washington. So his Open Society Foundations began an ambitious project in 2009 to persuade Europe and the U.S. to “hold Israel accountable” for violations of international law. This plan…


Jewish persecution rampant on US campuses

By Barney Breen-Portnoy, Algemeiner— Jewish students are the most persecuted minority on US college campuses, a representative of an Israeli advocacy group told lawmakers on Tuesday, during a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee held to discuss the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Amnon Goldstof, research director of Reservists on Duty —…


Black Lives Matter group declares hostile anti-Israel platform

By Bob Eschliman, CharismaNews— The Black Lives Movement shocked their allies in the liberal-secular Jewish community with its recent Invest-Divest policy paper. The document is a wide-ranging rant against the United States in general. But in particular, this section of the document related to military spending was perhaps an eye-opener for the liberal Jews who…


How Mike Pence, Trump’s VP pick, supports traditional Jewish values

By Elliot Bartky and Allon Friedman, JTA— With the presidential race heating up, a number of progressive Jewish commentators have portrayed the Republicans’ vice presidential candidate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, as a conservative extremist opposed to Jewish beliefs and values. As officers of the only statewide, grassroots Jewish and Israel advocacy organization in Indiana —…


Hamas dominates World Vision Christian charity, usurping cash, provisions, and permits

By The Jewish Press— On Wednesday, Christian Today reported that Mohammad El Halabi, an employee of World Vision (WV), the world’s largest evangelical Christian charity, had been detained on June 15 at the Erez crossing “on his way home from routine meetings” and was being held “without access to legal counsel or family visits,” which…


Hack exposes billionaire Soros’ support of anti-Israel agenda

By Eli Leon, News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff— Hackers leaked hundreds of confidential reports from Jewish billionaire George Soros’ network of philanthropic organizations to the DC Leaks website over the weekend, revealing some troubling information. The reports detail the organization’s activities in Israel and the Palestinian Authority and expose the scope of Soros’ donations,…


Mount of Olives: Why Jerusalem’s ‘re-settlers’ won’t be bothered

By Breaking Christian News— The Mount of Olives is an important Biblical site. It’s also part of the disputed area known as East Jerusalem. CBN’s Scott Ross visited a Jewish family who is living there amidst a sea of Arabs. The Bible mentions the Mount of Olives many times in both the Old and New…


Evangelical Lutherans to US: End Israel aid if settlements stay

By Jewish Telegraphic Agency— The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America approved a resolution calling on the US government to end all aid to Israel if Israel does not stop building settlements and “enable an independent Palestinian state.” Voting at its triennial assembly in New Orleans that ended Saturday, the church also sought a halt to…


Prelude to a pogrom

By David Nabhan, The Jewish Chronicle— Very recently filmmaker Ami Horowitz documented how Portland State University students reacted when being asked to pledge money to purchase explosives to bomb Israeli schools, hospitals and synagogues. Far from recoiling in shock and horror or immediately placing calls to Homeland Security, the students reacted in a different way:…


There Has Never Been a Sovereign Arab State in Palestine

By Eli E. Hertz, Myths and Facts—   The artificiality of a Palestinian identity is reflected in the attitudes and actions of neighboring Arab nations who never established a Palestinian state themselves. The rhetoric by Arab leaders on behalf of the Palestinians rings hollow. Arabs in neighboring states, who control 99.9 percent of the Middle…


A J Street man on the Democratic ticket

By Michael Wilner, Jpost— For seven and a half years, the policy advocates of J Street have felt blessed. Lobbying for diplomatic flexibility with Iran and for a tougher US line against Israel’s settlement activity, the liberal Jewish-American group has been repeatedly bolstered by a president who, prior to taking office, had a short track…


Stop giving charity to Hamas

By Elliott Abrams, Israel Hayom— I’ve written about a half dozen times in the past about UNRWA, the U.N. agency that deals with Palestinians. Simply put, UNRWA has long employed individuals who are sympathetic to Hamas, and who engage in acts of anti-Semitism, but the organization has overlooked their actions and indeed often protected them.…


Hezbollah news: Is Putin Jewish?

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, BIN— A Lebanese news service made the shocking claim this week: the Russian President Vladmir Putin‘s increasingly close ties with Israel are because he is Jewish. On Tuesday, reporter Sami Kleib wrote an article titled, “Putin’s Jewishness: Does it serve the Arabs and Syria?”. The article appeared in As-Safir, a leading…


Russia and Rauol Wallenberg: Unfinished Business

Historical Analysis By Inna Rogatchi, The Rogatchi Foundation (C) Inna Rogatchi, 2016- The Presidential Archive and Its Closed Envelopes In 1990, Russian president Boris Yeltsyn did quite unusual for the Soviet and post-Soviet ruler deed: he admitted the guilt of the Soviet regime. The matter was the massacre of the Polish officers in Katyn by…
