Israel Policy in the Biden Administration

By Peter Schweizer, Gatestone Institute— U.S. policy towards Israel stays fairly consistent despite changing administrations. Even after President Barack Obama’s “apology tour” to the Arab world early in the first term of his presidency — and his last-minute attempt to carve out a de facto Palestinian state through UN Security Council Res. 2334 — official…


A Jewish Patriot of Colonial America: An Example for Future U.S. Support of Israel

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBN Israel— Long before Ellis Island became the gateway to America, Haym Salomon, a Jewish immigrant, fled from the political unrest and violence in his native Poland. He settled in New York in the early 1770s and set up a brokerage business that included foreign securities. To protest the British, Solomon…


Wanted: Christians to declare to the World Council of Churches ‘not in our name’!

By Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzchok Adlerstein, CP Guest Contributors—- The World Council of Churches (WCC) has put on its theological anti-Semitic brass knuckles in its long-standing war against the Jewish State. The time has come for Christians to declare “Not in our name.” For their good, more than ours. Rev. Frank Chikane, moderator of…


A duet of loving kindness – the enduring beauty of a Jewish family

By Inna Rogatchi, Israel National News— The Covid pandemic has turned our lives upside down. For observant Jewish families, all spiritual peaks of our traditional year have transformed into something completely new, unexpected, unknown Inspired by the talents of our dear friends, the Kaminetzki family, I have created a special series of original artworks Duet…


The Issue Is Biden Not Wanting to Help Bibi, Not a Phone Conversation

By Jonathan S. Tobin,—- Most of those debating when President Joe Biden is going to finally pick up the phone and call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are either overestimating or underestimating the significance of this kerfuffle. The point isn’t when the two leaders will chat or how insulted Netanyahu should be by the…


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with President Joe Biden

By Lahav Harkov, JPost— US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone on Wednesday, nearly a month after Biden entered office. Netanyahu was the first leader in the Middle East to get a call from Biden. The “warm and friendly” conversation lasted for nearly an hour, the Prime Minister’s Office…


The ICC’s European Puppet Masters

By Caroline Glick— Last Saturday, the justices of the International Criminal Court (ICC) took a major swipe at the Jewish state. They ruled that the ICC prosecutor is permitted to open a formal investigation of Israel for fake war crimes. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the decision referring to it as “pure anti-Semitism.” Netanyahu added,…


The Return of ISIS is a Challenge Biden Must Not Ignore

By Con Coughlin, Gatestone Institute— As the Biden administration prepares to implement its new policy on the Middle East, it is vital that its preoccupation with reviving the Iran deal does not result in the White House overlooking the considerable threat the Islamist fanatics of ISIS continue to pose to global security. Since taking office,…


Iran’s Army Test Fires ‘Smart’ Short-Range Missile

By Hana Levi Julian, Jewish Press-— Iran’s armed forces test-fired a sophisticated new short-range missile on Sunday, the country’s official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported. General Kioumars Heidari was quoted in the report as saying the missile’s range was 300 kilometers (186 miles). He added that the “smart” missile is capable of working under…


Jerusalem’s Temple Mount: Arguably the Most Disputed Real Estate on Earth

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBN Israel— Three thousand years of recorded history sit atop, around, and below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital city. The 37-acre trapezium-shaped platform rises 2,400 feet above ground. Judaism’s holiest site, the Western Wall (Kotel in Hebrew), is on the southwest side. Built by King Herod during Roman occupation,…


Abbas’ path to elections is fraught with peril

By AP and ILH Staff— Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ call for elections has thrown his political future into peril, forcing him to negotiate competing demands to engage with a friendlier US administration, mend the rift with his militant Hamas rivals and keep his unruly Fatah movement from breaking apart. The presidential decree issued last month,…


Red Alert: What is Good and What is Bad?

By Amy Zewe—- Let us start with the bad news so we can end on a brighter note…. The Biden administration will re-join the UN’s Human Rights Council, reversing Trump’s withdrawal. The withdrawal was due to the antisemitic attacks Israel repeatedly endured when other member nations commit blatant human rights violations, but Israel is the…


Netanyahu Back in Court Today to Respond to Charges of Bribery, Fraud, Breach of Trust

By David Israel, Jewish Press— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will stand in a Jerusalem District Courtroom on Monday to respond verbally to the charges against him. The hearing in the three cases will begin with an oral statement by each of the defendants: Netanyahu, Arnon (Noni) Mozes, and Shaul and Iris Elowitz, in response to…


Will the Trump Successes in the Middle East Survive?

By Guy Millière, Gatestone Institute— December 22, 2020. 9:30 am. A plane takes off from Ben Gurion Airport in Israel for Morocco’s capitol, Rabat. Economic, political, cultural and strategic agreements between Morocco and Israel are signed for a full normalization of relations between the two countries. Morocco is the fourth Arab Muslim country in 2020…


The ICC Aids and Abets Terrorism

By Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom— Starting Friday evening, Israel’s diplomatic-security-legal systems have been on high alert because of the International Criminal Court’s decision that it has the jurisdiction to investigation Israel for alleged “war crimes.” The court’s ruling throws the hot potato decision about whether or not to launch an investigation against Israel into the…
