Netanyahu Urges Jews to ‘West Bank’ During Passover

By Israel Today Staff, Israel Today— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraged Israeli Jews to visit Judea and Samaria – what the world calls the “West Bank” and insists is Arab land – during the upcoming Passover holiday. In a Passover greeting to Jewish community leaders in Judea and Samaria, Netanyahu said that he “admires your…


Ancient Passover Teaching Fulfilled in Jerusalem Bus Bomb Survival Miracle

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— On Monday evening, a bomb went off in a crowded bus in Jerusalem, showering passengers trapped inside with deadly shrapnel and setting it ablaze. In what can only be described as a miracle, no one was killed. It is thought that a terrorist in the back of the…


US rejects Netanyahu’s pledge to hold onto Golan forever

BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF AND AGENCIES, Times of Israel— The United States on Monday objected to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion that the Golan Heights will forever remain under Israeli control, reiterating that it does not recognize the Jewish state’s claims to the strategic plateau. US State Department spokesman John Kirby said that the…


Palestinians: We Will Not Accept a Jewish Israel

by Khaled Abu Toameh, GateStone institute— The obsession with settlements is certain to divert attention from core issues, such as Palestinian recognition of a Jewish Israel. Many Palestinians continue to regard Israel as one big settlement that needs to be removed from the Middle East. Even those who say they have accepted the two-state solution…


Is Obama plotting yet again to harm embattled Israel?

By Victor Sharpe, American Thinker— According to a report dated April 16, 2016 in the sometimes reliable Debka Special Report, “Israel’s top political leaders and military commanders were stunned and shocked last weekend when they found out that US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to support the return of the…


IDF’s drill secures Netanyahu-Putin summit

By DEBKAfile— The IDF launched an unannounced military-air exercise in northen Israel Monday April 18. It will also be held in the Jordan valley, strategically located south of the Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee. Despite the official explanation that the drills are part of the IDF’s training schedule for 2016, it is difficult…


Spot Report: Should Christians observe Passover?

Think on this: “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.8 Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (I Corinthians 5:8) Pray like this: Gracious Father, at your invitation we do celebrate Passover because Jesus, our Passover…


UNESCO resolution ignores Jewish ties to Temple Mount, Western Wall

By JTA— JERUSALEM (JTA) — A UNESCO resolution does not recognize a Jewish connection to the Western Wall and the Temple Mount and calls Israel an “occupying power.” The resolution was adopted Friday by the executive board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization resolution at a meeting in Paris. Six months after…


False Moral Equivalence as a Tool to Demonize Israel

By Manfred Gerstenfeld and Jamie Berk, Gate Stone Institute— False moral equivalence is one of a series of major fallacies. False moral equivalence comparing Israel’s actions to those of the Nazis was used by several prominent social-democratic politicians, including French President François Mitterrand, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. Another…


Netanyahu vows Golan Heights will remain part of Israel forever

By RAPHAEL AHREN, Times of Israel— The Golan Heights will forever remain part of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Sunday during the first-ever cabinet meeting held on the Golan. Speaking in the Israeli town of Ma’aleh Gamla, next to an archaeological site where Jewish rebels stood off against Roman soldiers nearly 2,000 years ago,…


If American Jews and Israel Are Drifting Apart, What’s the Reason?

By Elliott Abrams, Mosaic Mag— Everyone knows that American Jews and Israel are drifting apart—and everyone is confident of the reasons why. Israel, it is said, has become increasingly nationalistic and right-wing; “the occupation” violates liberal values; and the American Jewish “establishment,” with its old familiar defense organizations and their old familiar apologetics, has lost…


Liberal American Jews unjustly hate Evangelicals

By Melanie Phillips, JPOST— Traveling in the U.S. last week I found Jews, like many others, in a state of extreme agitation. The Trump phenomenon, they raged, was beyond belief. How could America be doing this to itself, possibly nominating as a presidential candidate a man who was a crude and unstable know-nothing, a bigoted…


Fast-growing Pentecostal movement enthusiastically affirms support for Israel

By Bradley Martin, JNS.ORG— Bishop John E. Putnam stood at the podium and exclaimed to the crowd, “Who here loves Israel and the Jewish people?” The thunderous applause indicated the ecstatic approval by more than 500 pastors, ministers, and their families attending a recent conference of United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI). Putnam, superintendent of UPCI’s Wisconsin…


Messianic Jewish group lobbying for ‘1-state solution’

By: LEO HOHMANN, WND— The Messianic Jewish movement has opened a lobbying office in Washington, D.C., that will push the U.S. government to support Israel and ditch the so-called “two-state solution” that has been promoted by Republican and Democrat administrations for decades. The Alliance for Israel Advocacy will take a different approach to lobbying Congress…


What did Americans know as the Holocaust unfolded? Quite a lot, it turns out.

By Tara Bahrampour, Washington Post— Growing up in Lowell, Mass., in the 1950s and ’60s, Andrea Hoffman learned about the Holocaust at Hebrew school and later married into a family that included Holocaust survivors. Along the way, certain questions haunted her. “I’ve always wondered what people knew. When did they know it? How did they…
