Israel prepares for Obama visit

By ISRAEL HAYOM— With the U.S. President Barack Obama’s historic visit fast approaching, a preparatory meeting was held on Sunday at the Prime Minister’s Office attended by representatives of both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, as well as officials from the Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry, Israel Police, Jerusalem municipality and Ben-Gurion International…


Is Israel an apartheid state?

Is Israel an Apartheid State? Dennis Prager provides the definitive answer. He also explains why some people ask it. This question would be absurd if people didn’t take it seriously. Their motive is often disingenuous. They want to de-legitimize Israel by trying to link it to Apartheid South Africa. Visit to learn more about…


Netanyahu Gesture to Obama: Territory Giveaway to Palestinians

By YORI YANOVER, JEWISH PRESS— In anticipation of U.S. President Barack Obama visit to Israel at the end of this month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a significant package of gestures to the Palestinians, Maariv reports. The security system has submitted to Netanyahu its recommendations for goodwill gestures, with the stated proviso that these…


Hill Poll: Growing numbers feel Obama doesn't back Israel enough

BY SANDY FITZGERALD, NEWSMAX— A growing number of people believe the Obama administration is not doing enough to support Israel, according to a recent survey commissioned by The Hill newspaper. The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted Feb. 28 found that three times more voters think the White House is not supportive enough than those…
