IDF officer: Our activity on Gaza border is preventing war

By Nahum Barnea, YNETNEWS— The Karni Crossing, Friday. From 10 am, Gazans have been travelling down the road leading from Saja’iyya to the Karni Crossing, which used to be the main meeting point between the Israeli economy and the Gazan economy. They settle between the water tower and the large greenhouses, near the border. In…


Israel turns a corner on protecting its sovereignty

By Caroline Glick, Breitbart— Monday may have been a turning point in the global battle between the forces of nationalism and national self-determination on the one hand, and the forces pushing for a post-nationalist world with open borders on the other. While most eyes were on the U.S., where President Donald Trump used his Twitter…


US slams Gaza leaders who send children to border, ‘knowing they may be killed’

By Times of Israel— The White House on Thursday called on Palestinians to engage in solely peaceful protests and stay at least 500 meters from Gaza’s border with Israel, on the eve of fresh demonstrations supported by Gaza’s Hamas terrorist rulers along the border. While the UN issued a warning to Israel to use “extreme…


What Holidays Do Jews and Christians Have in Common?

By Chosen People Ministries— The Festivals of Israel Commonly known to Christians as Pentecost, Shavuot is one of four spring festivals and one of three “Aliyah” festivals found in the Hebrew Scriptures, when Jewish men were commanded to go up to Jerusalem and worship at the Temple. The festivals of Israel were designed by God…


Former Qatari Prime Minister: Israelis have a right to live in their own land

By JPost— Former Qatari prime minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani stated on Twitter Wednesday that Israelis have the right to live in their own land, as do the Palestinians. These statements came days after similar remarks by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In a series of Arabic tweets about the state…


Israel prepares for weeks of military and international tension

By DANIEL J. ROTH,HERB KEINON, JPost— Israel is bracing for several weeks of military and diplomatic confrontation that began with Friday’s march in the Gaza Strip. The march left 17 Palestinians dead and hundreds more injured, and its protests are expected to continue until May 15, which the Palestinians mark as Nakba Day, the “Day…


Passover Miracle: Orthodox Jew Dreams of Jesus

By Charles Gardner, Israel Today— As we remember the death of Jesus in fulfilment of Passover, we also celebrate the resurrection miracle of God’s great deliverance from slavery into freedom. And for a bang up-to-date example of that, we need look no further than the testimony of Orthodox Jew Yonatan Perry. Having turned away from…
