Netanyahu: ‘We Will Do Whatever It Takes to Degrade Hamas’ Terrorist Capabilites’

By Sharon Wrobel, Algemeiner-— Israel’s security cabinet has decided to continue its military operation in Gaza with full force as heavy rocket barrage is being fired at southern Israel and international pressure mounts to end the fighting. “We will do whatever it takes to degrade Hamas’ terrorist capabilities which will take time. I will do…


As Iran’s Mullahs Incite Hamas Terrorism, Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Lifted

By Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute— Amidst the Iranian regime’s clear role in inciting terrorism against Israeli civilians, talks to lift sanctions against the regime are advancing in Vienna. The Biden administration is apparently offering even more concessions and sanctions relief to Iran’s leaders, concessions that “go beyond the nuclear-specific sanctions.” Meanwhile, these leaders from Iran…


Hamas threatens to strike Tel Aviv after Senior PIJ commander killed

By Anna Ahronheim, JPost— Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida warned Israel that the terror group would resume firing towards Tel Aviv after the Israel Air Force struck another high rise building and several other buildings in the Gaza Strip. “The criminal Zionist enemy has intensified its bombing of civilian homes and apartments in the last hours,”…


Americans Have the Right to Know About Biden’s Upcoming Deal with Iran’s Mullahs

By Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute— Since the nuclear talks began in Vienna between the Iranian regime and P5+1, the Biden administration has avoided being transparent about what is going on with the negotiations and what exactly is being offered to the Iranian regime — the one that the US Department of Justice has called the…


Ancient scripture’s stamp of approval for modern Israel’s independence

By Arlene Bridges Samuels,— On a May 14, 1948 – the Sabbath – at 4 p.m., David Ben-Gurion walked to the front of the biggest room in a small white building, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Outside at 16 Rothschild Boulevardthe streets were full of people anxiously awaiting Ben-Gurion’s speech. Inside, theroom was…


Top Hamas men killed in Israeli targeted strikes in Gaza; PM: It’s ‘only the beginning’

By Ynetnews— The IDF and the Shin Bet domestic security service said Wednesday that 16 high-ranking members of the Hamas terror group, including a senior commander and weapons developers, had been killed in Israeli targeted attacks on Gaza City and Khan Yunis. The dead were members of the Hamas high command and close associates of…


Video: Life, Hatred and Hope series: “The History of Christian Antisemitism”

The Christian Friends of Yad Vashem in partnership with International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) are delighted to announce a yearlong series entitled “Life, Hatred and Hope”. We will go on a journey covering the moving experiences of the Jewish People before, during and after the horrors of the Holocaust. “The History of Christian Antisemitism” by…


As violence flares in Jerusalem, timely documentary by Evangelicals explores tensions between Israelis and Palestinians – and finds hope

By Joel C. Rosenberg,— The longer I live in Israel, the more complicated I find it to be. Like the seeds of a pomegranate, the more you open it up, the more beliefs, narratives, emotions and divisions you discover. For Evangelicals who have not been here, or have only visited a few times, the…


The facts: Let’s re-purpose propaganda into a pure form

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, Times of Israel-— Now that Hamas terrorists and Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President of Incitement are assaulting Israel on a wide scale, it is no surprise that the global media is once again mangling or creating their own version of “facts” matched with a total lack of context. It’s time to…


Israel will ‘intensify and expand’ Gaza attacks, says IDF chief

By Israel National News— IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi announced Tuesday afternoon that Israel’s military will expand its air campaign in the Gaza Strip, as rocket fire from the Hamas-ruled enclave into Israel continues. Following a situational assessment meeting Tuesday morning, Kochavi ordered the IDF to expand and intensify Operation Guardian of the Walls,…


Palestinians: Our True Goal is to Destroy Israel

By Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute— When former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fired 39 Scud missiles at Israel in 1991, many Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate the attacks. Many demonstrations took place in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem even while Palestinians were being issued gas masks by the Israeli authorities to…


Is Palestinian incitement driving the tensions in Jerusalem?

By Josh Hasten, Jewish News Syndicate— Thousands of Arab protesters have been violently rioting on the Temple Mount (known by Muslims as Haram al-Sharif) throughout the “Jerusalem Day” holiday and over the course of the last several days, accusing Israel of attempting to “storm the Al-Aqsa mosque” and “Judaize” the entire city. Hundreds of rioters…
